• beginning of my childhood

    In my childhood I lived in the Americas, in an invasion where it is now Gualara villas, I lived with my parents, I started studying at Jose Joaquin Florez Hernandez, there I went from preschool to fifth grade, all childhood to say so It was mostly happiness because he shared a lot with his father, friends and other people
  • fifth grade

    In this year I graduated from fifth of the same school, this year one thinks that it will feel to be with the upper grades
  • mundial

    This year is where all Colombia paralyzed to see the World Cup where we had a good presentation
  • fracturas de brazo

    en este año en el mes de febrero me parti la muñeca y en diciembre me fracture el codo no fue mi año tuve una mala suerte jaja
  • ingreso al tecnico

    este año tome la decisión de ingresar al técnico del colegio, me escogieron y ya tenía una responsabilidad encima
  • present

    In the present year, the 11th grade in the same school where I started, we have been through a lot of good things, meeting new people, extraordinary things, good things have happened, this is when you don't want to leave school, you want to share more time with peers, is where one already begins to become aware of what is going to be done, will have to study, work, etc.
  • future- priject life

    in my life project is to continue doing the technology in le sena, after I go to the army to take the course of secondary officer, to be able to have a stability in life, to keep my parents to pay them all that they have given me, or else not to wear to ride a bike, if things do not happen then work and study what can be done the most