Justine Hope Bachmann, Birth
Self Breast Exam
A self breast exam is when the women, herself, exams her own breast from time to time to note any changes in her breast. This examination is tested for Breast Cancer. This test can be preformed as much as the women want whether its once a week or once a month. Family history has a big impact on this. -
Clinical Breast Exam, age 20
A clinical breast examination is tested for breast cancer in women's breast. This test is preformed by a health care provider, who checks for lumps and other changes in the breast. This test should be preformed every 3 years for women in their 20s and 30s. -
Pap Test, age 21
A pap smear test, is a test to detect cancer of the cervix or uterus. Cells are taken from the women's reproductive part and examined under microscope. This test for women 21-29 years of age should have every 3 years. -
Pap Test and HPV test, age 30-65
Pap test, tests for cervical cancer and women get cells taken from them for examination. A HPV test is to detect virus's that can lead to genital warts and cervical cancer. These tests should be preformed every 5 years for women 30-65. -
A mammogram is preformed for breast cancer, its a technique using x-rays to diagnose tumors in the breast. Women should start having a yearly mammogram at the age of 40. -
Colorectal Cancer and Polyps
To dectect for colon, rectalor bowel cancer, there are multiple tests that men and women can choice from: Flexible sigmoldoscopy (every 5 yrs), Colonscopy (every 10 yrs), Double-contrast barium enema (every 5 yrs), CT colongraphy (every 5 years). Begin this at age 50. Only choice one test. -
Continue of Pap test and HPV test- optional
Pap test of cells to be observed under microscope for cervical cancer and HPV test to test as well to for cervical cancer. Women with normal results to cervical cancer should not be tested for this again, if not continue testing. -
If the expected age for a healthy women to live is 82 years old, ths is the year I will die.