My timeline

  • travel to hawaii

    travel to hawaii
    i have always wanted to go here
  • place in track

    place in track
    to proove that i can do it
  • go to the vmas

    go to the vmas
    i watch it on tv every year and think it would just be a fun enviroment to be in
  • Get a scholarship

    Get a scholarship
    get a scholarship for academics and track
  • graduate highschool

    graduate highschool
    graduate millard north hihscool with a 3.5 gpa or higher
  • go to the olympics

    go to the olympics
  • fall in love

    fall in love
    i want to be married someday
  • live in california

    live in california
    my dad lives there so i visit a lot and i just want to spend the rest of my life there, and raise my kids there
  • go to UNL for 4 years and graduate

    go to UNL for 4 years and graduate
    go to UNL and graduate with my teaching degree
  • become a teacher

    become a teacher
    i have wanted to be a teacher ever since i was little girl, i want to teach middle school kids. not sure what subject yet
  • be in a movie

    be in a movie
    my dad and aunt were actors and i just think it would be so cool to be the star of a movie and for everyone around the world to see me
  • buy a house

    buy a house
    when i get married i want to build my own house
  • get married

    get married
    i would like to be married before i am 30
  • Travel to australia

    Travel to australia
    i love australian acents, and it seems like a beautiful place to visit with y husband
  • have a baby

    have a baby
    i want to have two kids one boy and one girl hopefully this is a girl
  • run a marathon

    run a marathon
    in my lifetime i would like to say i completed a marthon
  • have second child

    have second child
    i think i would be a good parent
  • have 3rd child

    have 3rd child
  • plan a wedding

    plan a wedding
    i wanted to be a wedding planer beacuse i love planning things but i would just like to plam my bestfriends wedding
  • visit paris with family

    visit paris with family
    with my two kids i would love to take a family trip to paris
  • watch kids get married

    watch kids get married
    i want to watch my baby girl walk down the eisle
  • become a grandma

    become a grandma
    be the best grandma ever that spoils her kids :)
  • retire

    retire and live by the ocean with my husband