My timeline

  • Get a Motorcycle

    Get a Motorcycle
    I want to get a buell. They are cheap, fast, and extremly fuel efficient. I mainly want one so I could go on bike rides with friends and with my family. Also I want to go to Sturgis for the annual motorcycle ralley with my family.
  • have a college degree

    have a college degree
    I want to graduate with a 4 year degree in either construction management or engineering. I am going to Metro community college for 2 years then transfering to UNO for the last 2 years.
  • sky dive

    sky dive
    I'm sure ill go before I am 26 but this is the latest I would want to do it. Jumping out of a plane sounds extremly fun and something I'm sure I'll never forget.
  • own my own home

    own my own home
    I want to at least have a down payment on a home of my own, I'd prefer to be married before I'd get a house but I would buy one alone also.
  • Get married

    Get married
    I will marry the love of my life and my soul mate and although I cant put a date on when I will find her I'm guessing its before I'm 30.
  • have kids

    have kids
    I'd prefer to have 3-5 kids but if I had any more or any less I'd still be happy. I'd also like to have a house before I have kids and be married.
  • Have all my kids moved out

    Have all my kids moved out
    If my kids arn't out of my house by the time I'm 56 years old I will be one grumpy father, I would downsize after they leave or make all there rooms into man caves.
  • Retire as a millionaire

    Retire as a millionaire
    I hope I will acumulate enough money to fulfill all the things my family and I need to be happy. Not nesecaraly a millionair but wealthy enough not to worry about money when I retire,
  • retire at a lake house

    retire at a lake house
    My lake house will be somewhere that is warm year round, Most likley Texas because my moms whole side of the family lives down there. I love boats and the water and it would be a very relaxing and peacefull place to retire.
  • die happy

    die happy
    I hope that when I die, I can honestly say I had a fullfilling life and impacted other peoples lives as well. I hope that my wife will be safe and my children so I never have to worry,