The Germinal period
After two gametes become a zygote, te germinal period starts. The embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and cellular division begins resulting in supporting structures of the amnion: Placenta and Umbulical cord (trophoblast), and the floor of the amniotic cavity (embrionic disk). -
The Embrionic Period (3 to 8 weeks)
All major organs are formed except sex organs. Embrionic disk becomes three layers: Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm. Week 4, the heart starts beating. Week 8, all main body parts and organs have formed except the sex organs. -
The Fetal Period (Week 9 to Birth)
It's divided into trimesters. End of the first trimester, fetus weighs three ounces and is three inches long and genitals have formed. During the second trimester, fetus is more active. By the end it weighs two pounds and is 14 inches long. Viability is rare because of underdeveloped lungs. During the third trimester, there is rapid brain development and weight gain. Fetus has sleep and wake cycles, can remember and respond to sound, taste and mother's movements. -
Mother carried me full term (37 weeks). My birth weight was 6lbs 7oz. Probably conceived around Easter. Mother must have avoided teratogens because I was a relatively healthy baby. -
I was breast fed for the first three weeks and then she switched to Similac. From what I learned, I was a crier and I walked late. -
Toddlerhood (Ages 1-3)
Walking late didn't have long term effects on my gross motor skills because when I finally did walk, I got into everything. Proximal development came in the form of being taight how to stack small wooden blocks until I mastered it (scaffolding). I perfected my fine motor skills by trying to eat cigarette butts from ash trays throughout the house. Mother couldn't remember too much more but I'm sure I tested her to a certain degree. I slept well but I did bite a lot. -
Early Childhood (Ages 3-6)
Myelination enabled me to remember my lines in school plays.
My sister and I would engage in sociodramatic play by dressing up in our parents clothes.
My older brother took advanatage of my cognitive development that a nickel was worth more than a dime because of it's size.
My parents displayed an authoritarian parenting style. If I screwed up, I was beaten. I don't know if it was called mandated reporting back then but the teacher took me to the nurse's office and the nurse called the cops. -
Middle Childhood - Ages 6 to 12
Physical growth, I was slim. No known illnesses. My gross motor skills improved with kickball, running, dodgeball and baseball. My fine motor skills improved with tying my shoes, making things with clay, but I was enver good at drawing. That's all I can remember because around nine-years old, I had a traumatic brain injury from hitting a tree sleigh riding. -
Adolescense (Ages 12-18)
I was thin throughout most of my adolescent years. I started hanging out with much older kids but I was doing the things they were doing: smoking cigarettes and weed. But I did get drunk when I was 15 and picked up by the police and placed in a holding cell until my parents came and picked me up. The last time I got drunk, I was 17 and had just gotten out of boot camp. I can't remember my growth spurt but I do remember puberty and my voice changing. -
Emerging Adult (Ages 18-25)
Coming from an integrated, divorced, remarried family, I struggled with my identity. I had six grandparents, three parents, and two siblings. I chose to identify with whatever ethnic group I was in the company of but was often rejected by some of them because I had too much of one feature or not enough of the other. I was raised protestant but within the family was Roman Catholic, Protestant and Seventh Day Adventist. My ethnic identity status is biculturalism. -
Young Adulthood (Ages 25-40)
Aging begins. I started to notice gray hairs at 30 but at 40 they were more prevalent. I had been on my own for many years. I had been married, divorced and remarried again. I was in good physical health and my weight averaged 145-160. By that time I had given up my hopes of becoming a priest but I still went to church on a regular basis. By 40, my 4th child was born. I was working with autistic adults. My parenting style was authoritative. -
Middle Adulthood (Ages 40-65)
The five areas that improved in adolescence are beginning to deterorate especially processing speed. I'm more distant from my siblings than I've ever been and I am now a widower. Haven't given marriage much thought and I've given up on priesthood. No grandchildren as of yet. Instead of searching for deals on gym memberships, I am looking into AARP and the deals that come with it. -
Late Adulthood (65+)
I'm still working and perhaps married again. My gray hair and impotency is nothing that Just For Men and Viagra won't cure. Im still in pretty good shape because I have always been an active person however, I'll let the kids in the neighborhood cut my grass and shovel my walkway so they'll go easy on me on October 30th. I'll sneak my grandkids chocolate in return for things I shouldn't have.. My reading glasses are now bi-focals and I'm wearing a hearing aid. -
Death and After (80+)
I never ate healthy; I loved fast food and junk food. Now, it caught up to me. No doubt, I died happy and the song they are playing at my viewing is "I did it my way". I chose to be creameated and my ashes to be divided up amongst anyone who wants some of them. I always lvoed cop shows and MoTown music. Perhaps, when I am reincarted, I'll come back as a cop or one of the new Temptations.