My Born
I was born in the city of Cali, in a clinic called Alvaro Uribe Velez at 12:00 pm -
My first time riding a bicycle
The first time I rode a bicycle was terrible, because I fell too much and hurt my left leg. -
My time in playground
That moment was great, because I met many friends and I was very good at learning to read. (2004-2005) -
My first day in elementary school
The first day in elementary school, it was exciting because the teacher made a game, so we could get to know each other a little more. -
My first trip out of the city
I went with my family to Bogota, on this trip I had a lot of fun because we went to Salitre Mágico and we ate many typical foods from there. Salitre Mágico is a park of diversions -
My time in high school
My time in high school was not very good, because I went to a different school every year, and each year I walked away from my classmates, and every year I changed teachers, so it was difficult. (2010-2017) -
My fifteen years
my fifteenth birthday was one of the most exciting days of my life, I had a great time at my party with all the people I love. -
My trip to san Andrés
I traveled with my parents to San Andres and we had a great time, we knew the sea, we enjoyed the beach, we ate very delicious food and we had a great family vacations. -
My boyfriend's love confession
That day was really special, because I was so in love with him and he told me he loved me too, and since that day we are dating and we are very happy together. -
My las year in high school
This year has been wonderful, in all its aspects, I have learned a lot from the teachers, and I have spent a lot of time with my classmates, now we just look forward to our prom night. (30/01/20118-6/12/2018)