my time line

  • started highschool

    this was the day i started highschool
  • Period: to

    my time line

  • job interview

    had a job interview with a work place
  • my work experinces

    i worked for my dad in the summer
  • finished volenteer hours

    helped out at a basketball camp and the pci tech camp
  • created my Resume

    i made this in careers class
  • get a job

    get my first job
  • get an atheltic awards

    get an award
  • get a car

    got my first car
  • get my Certificates for my career

    the plan is to get some Certificates to helpmy future
  • highschool graduation

    graduate with all of my friends and be happy with my highschool past
  • start post secondary school

    start at my new school
  • rent an apartment for school

    rent a apartment with some of my friends
  • finish post secondary school

  • start apprenticeship

    start my apprenticeship as what i want to be
  • start looking for a job

    start looking for a job in the field that i have studied in