My Technology Timeline

  • First Gaming Console

    First Gaming Console
    Sega Genesis- This gaming console was the first game that I had every received. I remember my mother married my step dad this year and I was always allowed to play it at his house when I was there. Sonic the Hedgehog was my favorite game. Image Credit: Wikipedia
  • Written Report- Typewriter

    Written Report- Typewriter
    Typewriter- When I was in third grade we did not have a computer in our household, instead we still had a typewriter. I remember my mom helping ( practically did it for me, if I'm being honest) me type up a one a page report on horses for a Social Studies/Science Fair project in elementary school. Image Credit: Wikipedia
  • First Computer In Home

    First Computer In Home
    Compaq Computer- For my 10th birthday my parents bought my a desk top computer. I still remember how bulky it was (by todays standards). It has a mouse, and huge screen ( this was way before flat screen were popular). The speakers attached to the side of the computer. Image CreditL Wikipedia
  • AOL Instant Messenger-Communication with Others

    AOL Instant Messenger-Communication with Others
    Instant Messenger- My first online username on AOL Instant Messenger was UserMaria1386. I remember creating my account and asking my friends for there messenger name. We would chat online to each other when we got home from school. Image Credit: Wikipedia
  • Myspace-Online Webpage

    Myspace-Online Webpage
    Myspace- This online blog became popular starting when I was in 11th grade. You could add a picture, upload statuses, and even music. It was like your own personal webpage. This was before Facebook became popular. Image Credit: myspace
  • First Laptop Computer

    First Laptop Computer
    HP Laptop- When entering my senior year of college at Marshall University I finally got my first laptop computer. All my friends had one before me but I had a desk top in my spare bedroom that worked just fine so I never felt the need for a laptop until college. The bag that I carried the computer in looked like big briefcase!! The laptop was heavy but I could connect to the internet almost anywhere on campus! Credit Image: Laptopmag
  • iPhone X-Facial Recognition

    iPhone X-Facial Recognition
    Iphone X- Facial recognition- I upgraded my phone a few days after Christmas and got the newest released phone from Apple. This phone no longer has a home button and instead logs onto all your accounts, and phone settings itself from facial recognition. Image Credit: AT&T