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My Story

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    When I was born

    When I was born
    I was born on March 23, 2006 in Somerset, PA.
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    When i moved it was sorta scary, new friends, new location, new room. It was hard to not be scared, there are different things around you and its just hard. We moved to Rockwood and it was a fun experience.
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    The Incident

    Then in the same year, my brother, my sister, and I were all playing around throwing golf balls into the pool, it was really fun. But my brother Chaz was hitting them out with his golf club and hit me right in the face with a golf ball.
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    I met Heaven

    I met heaven through Chaz with him dating Horizon, at first i sorta didn't enjoy it but now i do, its always fun to hang out with them.
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    I met Allen <3

    I met Allen October 16, 2012, 3 days after i met Heaven. I really enjoyed being friends with him and its been fun because now we are still friends and its a really fun experience
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    Heavens Birthday

    It was really fun, I got cake in me hair and it was all a really great time ! (::::::
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    We went ice sledding

    When we went ice sledding, it was a really fun experience but i almost broke my foot. When i went down with heaven we were going down really fast and we slammed into a concrete wall.
    After we got inside, her mom called my mom and she took me to the hospital to get my foot checked
  • My Sisters Birth

    In September 18, 2009. My sister was born, she was so cute and adorable and nice and it was all so fun before!
  • The Fall

    One time in Rockwood, my brother and I were throwing snowballs at these huge icicles. It was sorta fun until one fell on me and crushed my legs. I couldn't walk for weeks or even run. At that point in my life, everything just hurt really badly.
  • New Relationship

    I started dating Allen and its going really well, I loved him a lot and i told him that i liked him, and its really fun because apparently we both liked eachother