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  • Born

    Shanghai, China
    Same hospital where my dad was born
  • Sleeping Alone

    Watching my mom closing the door and turning off the lights
  • hospital time

    I was sitting in a hospital because of some sickness but received a car model from my dad. I don't remember how I played with it, but I sure had a really good time with it.
    Since that, I became more and more interested in physics and engineering.
  • Best friend

    Started friendship with my best friend since that, though we were in the same class during kindergarten and fought and argued all the time
  • First phone

    Got my first phone in 3rd grade, and it was a Samsung brick phone. Since I had the phone, I started to go to school on my own, taking the public bus.
  • Period: to

    gaining confidence

    Towards the end of my elementary school time, I became better and better at school work, receiving much better grades. This is when my parents and teachers really started to like me (from my perspective at that time). It was also the time I first actually feel success and confidence.
  • First graduation

    Our class had a graduation trip one month after graduated. When we finished the trip and finally parked and separated, I cried and grabbed my friend's hand not letting go in the street. Awkwardly, I wasn't feeling embarrassed, instead, I realized it would be hard to meet my friends again after this. I knew what I was doing wouldn't help, but I didn't want to give up without even trying.
  • Period: to

    Not the best time

    School work became much harder in middle school. Along with it, pressure and expectations from teachers and parents only increase, not compromised. Adults said I didn't study hard enough, but I just couldn't accept the lessons the way they were given. With all the negativities I received, I felt more and more hopeless.
  • America!

    After some more months of struggling, a good friend of my mom talked to my parents about her opinion on my study. She said it was more likely because I was not meant for this type of education. Somehow she now only convinced my parents that, but also convinced them to send me to study abroad.
    When my parents talked to me about it, I chose the United States and NLA.
  • Period: to

    Developing personality

    A few years without much outside pressure but more personal time, I could finally do things I wanted for myself. With more and more had been done to myself, I started to realize what is best for me and where my interests are. Generally, I began to reflect on my life and decisions I have made so far. I found it really interesting to analyze, examine, and truly know myself, not through others' lens.
  • Gaining confidence

    After all the hard work I have done, in my opinion, my grades in high school are much better than they were in middle school. Not only my parents but also myself are pleased with the results. On top of that, when I saw that I got a 5 on AP Physics test, I knew I can do it, just as long as I am willing to pay the effort and pay enough.
  • I'm in!

    Got excepted to the University of Rochester, which is my favorite university