My Psychology Timeline

  • Prenatal Development & Birth

    • Sucking my thumb in the womb as I was told.- I would have been born breach, but my mom had to have a c-section.
  • First 2 years- Biosocial

    • Learning to walk, but still bumping into everything. (Gross motor skills)- First word was “da-da” besides all of the babbling, of course.- Learned how to draw/ scribble. (Fine motor skills)
  • First 2 years- Cognitive

    • Still sucked my thumb very often. (Primary circular reactions)- My mom and I used to play “patty-cake” daily and I would get so excited and clap along. (Secondary circular reaction)- Learned to eat Cheerios on my own. It was my first solid food to digest.- Beginning to talk and babble.
  • First 2 years- Psychosocial

    • According to my mom, I was a happy baby. I was always smiling and allowed other people to hold me for the most part.- I socially learned from my older sister, who is about 2 years older than myself. Whatever she did, I wanted to do too.
  • Early Childhood- Biosocial

    • I discovered that I am right-handed. I enjoyed writing my name and drawing pictures of trees and butterflies.- Learned how to tie my shoes by practicing over and over again.- I learned, on my own, how to ride my bike at the age of 4 years old.- Hopscotch was my favorite game to play.
  • Early Childhood- Cognitive

    • I believed that the shadow in my room every night became a monster when I went to sleep. (Animism)- Guided participation to learn in my Girl Scout group, as well as soccer.
    • I loved reading the book, “There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly” with my parents. It always seemed exciting to read.
  • Early Childhood- Psychosocial

    • Intrinsically motivated to play “Barbie and Ken” with my sister. -Extrinsically motivated playing soccer and scoring a goal to win a Crunch bar from my soccer coach.- Playing tag or hide-and-seek were my favorite games to play with my peers.
    • Pulled my loose tooth out because I knew the tooth fairy would come by and leave something under my pillow.- I had a big fear of black dogs for some reason. I think it is because of my uncle’s dog that would come up and jump on me when I was a child. It
  • Middle Childhood- Biosocial

    • Learned to play the recorder and gained an interest for it.- I loved to play capture the flag with my neighborhood friends.
  • Middle Childhood- Psychosocial

    • My grandfather passed away when I was 7 years old. It made me realize how you can lose people that surround you and are family.- My parents would argue often it seemed and I would always assume they were going to get a divorce. They never did, but I would always cry with my sister when they argued.- I was a victim of cyber-bullying at the age of 12. It was hard to stand up for myself, but I talked to my teachers and mom about it to get through it.
  • Middle Childhood- Cognitive

    • For my brother’s Boy scout troop, my sister and I were allowed to participate in the Pinewood Derby and were able to piece together a wooden car and race it against others.- I put together a project for the Ethnic Culture Fair in 3rd grade and learned about other cultures and the different types of foods.
  • Adolescence: Biosocial

    -My hormones began to change at the age of 12 or so, and I was going through puberty along with my other classmates and friends.-There was plenty of drama with the other girls that I associated with. I was considered to be “popular” but was also very shy, so I did not always fit in with the popular crowd.-My parents gave my sister, brother, and I a bedtime at about 9:00pm, but it was always hard to fall asleep right away because I was busy texting my friends, or a boy I had a crush on. AIM was
  • Adolescence- Cognitive

    • In middle school, many of my friends had braces. I never needed them, but wanted them because I thought I would look “cool”.- I also had a BIG crush on an 8th grader (I was in 6th grade), and would walk by him everyday just to see if he would look at me. If he did, I assumed that he might like me. (Egocentrism).- At the lunch table, I was always self-conscious when I would eat because I felt as if I had an imaginary audience. I had a hard time eating all of my lunch before time was up.- I h
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial

    • To be completely honest, in 8th grade I was second-guessing myself. I thought that I might be lesbian. I knew that I was attracted to boys, but after learning about it and hearing about how some of the kids around me thought they were gay, it made me wonder and feel unsure.- I seemed to argue with my sister after wearing her clothes to school without her knowing. She hated that.- My mom was always wondering where I was. She gave my siblings and I a walky-talky to bring to school as we rode o
  • Emerging Adulthood- Biosocial

    -Anxiety has always been an issue, but not to the point where it is considered to be a disorder. I seem to overcome it, but when put in a new or uncomfortable position I seem to panic for a bit.- Eating habits seem to be less healthy because of my busy schedule with school and work. It is always easier to grab a quick bite to eat at Taco Bell instead of preparing a nutritious meal. I need to shake that habit.- I seemed to stay away from the social norms of my age group.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive

    • One night I decided to go with a friend to a club in Lansing and drink. I had a math test the next morning. I knew that if I went to the club, I would not do well on my test the next morning, but did it anyway. I regretted it a lot the next day when I failed my math test. (Delay discounting)- I consider myself a dialectical thinker. I am constantly thinking about how something can or cannot benefit or help me.- I am aspiring to do become a teacher so I would like to do well in school. focus
  • Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial

    • I am working as a waitress at a restaurant and it gives me the chance to socialize with strangers and become more confident, while holding a good place in my job.- Unfortunately I lost my best friend in the same year that I became serious with my first “real” relationship.- I gained new friends at my job and hang out with them every so often. It gives me a chance to connect with people that I feel comfortable around.- Having a boyfriend is a commitment in that I have to share my time with.
  • Adulthood- Biosocial

    • I will eventually hit menopause. My mother is now 50 years old and has experienced signs of it, including no periods, mood swings, and hot flashes.- I would like to try to keep a healthy diet, as well as an active lifestyle. As I grow up I should get in the habit of eating plenty of vegetables, avoiding the bad foods, and exercise daily.- Some stressors that are probably going to occur in my life are money, family loss, health, and my job. I will try to manage it all.
  • Adulthood- Cognitive

    • I am going into Elementary Education and hope to increase my IQ over the years, knowing that my IQ may increase between the ages of 20 and 50.- As a teacher, I will need to help my students with problem solving and be able to explain to them why they got that answer. (Practical Intelligence).- Almost all of my friends that attented high school with me went to GVSU, U of M, or Michigan State to study and become Medical School Graduates… all of which are females.
  • Adulthood-Psychosocial

    • My ecological niche may be staying at home, spending time with my family. Also, I will probably have neighbors over every month or so for a get together. I have always been close with my family so they will definitely be a part of my everyday routine.- As a parent I will need to include the Big Five in order to raise my children and deal with people/ myself in life- Openness, Contentiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism.
  • Adulthood- Psychosocial

    • My parents, siblings, aunt, and spouse will be there by my side throughout my life, I hope! I have always had the support of my family and it is very meaningful to me. (Social convoy)- Some consequential strangers I know I will run into are the parents of my children’s friends, as well as the people I work with.- My family, as well as myself, are strong believers in familism. Right before my grandpa passed away he needed help… my mom was there every day.
  • Adulthood- Psychoscocial

    • The extrinsic benefits of my job: personal social skills are worked on, health benefits, and a decent salary.- The intrinsic benefits of my job: summers available to spend quality time with my children, I will be proud of my children when they learn and do well in class, and I will hope to have a satisfied lifestyle.)
  • Late Adulthood- Biosocial

    -Ageism will come into play. I hope to prove people wrong! I want to stay active by walking at least 3x a week.- According to the tests in the previous Modules, I will live until I’m about 88 years old. I have a feeling one of my friends will become a centenarian and live to 100! She is very healthy and fit.-Primary aging is apart of life, so I will not try to change the way I look. I am nervous for secondary aging. Hopefully I will have people by my side to help when I am weak.
  • Late Adulthood- Cognitive

    • Right now, at the age of 19, I have trouble remembering things. Overtime, unfortunately, I may develop memory loss.- I will probably keep a planner by my side so that I do not forget too much! (Priming)- I hope to write about my life and all of my accomplishments. I will give wisdom and a life review to my children and grandchildren.
  • Late Adulthood- Psychosocial

    -Much like my grandparents, I hope to attend church. Having God in my life may help me get through things as I age.- I hope to still have my friends around, and will stay in touch until we pass away.- I will spend much of my time at home, surrounded by my children who may visit often with their children.- I hope to ‘age in place’ in a similar area to where my children live. I want to keep very good relationships with my family.
  • Death & Dying :(

    -Terminal decline will set in weeks/ months before death.- I will most likely turn to my family as death approaches. I will be able to share some unique stories and tell them how much I love them.- I hope to pass away quickly and peacefully. It would be nice to speak to my family members before I pass away, and have them by my side as I do.-I will have provided my children with a living will.