My Personal Timeline

  • +5 Painful But Beautiful!

     +5 Painful But Beautiful!
    My mother gave birth to me and my brother, My brother came out first and I came out almost half a hour later.
  • Period: to

    The Timeline

  • +3 New Life, New Me!

    +3 New Life, New Me!
    I arrived in Edmonton from Toronto, we moved here to stay with out family because we couldn't afford the rent at out apartment before, so I had to say goodbye to all my friends and family in Toronto and go to Edmonton.
  • -5 Devastation

    My Godmother passed away, she always looked after me and my brother, when my mother was out to work . She also spoiled us with everything, Toys, Videogames and basically anything you can think of.
  • +4 A Kids Best Friend!

    +4 A Kids Best Friend!
    We got out first pet ever, I was really excited. My brothers went out to run errands and I didn't expect to get a hamster!
    The hamster was named Justin and he was really kind.
  • +3 A Monster Escaped!

    +3 A Monster Escaped!
    After seeing our cousins get a dog, my mother felt bad and allowed us to get another hamster. We named the hamster “Binoo” because he looked like the cartoon character "Binoo" and he always bit us.
  • -3 Horror and Pain!

    This circumcision hurts a lot. I was really scared my brother chickened out.
  • -1 Life goes on.

    -1 Life goes on.
    Our first pet died and we don't really know the reason why, he just said goodbye and left.
  • -5 Devastation Strikes Again.

    -5 Devastation Strikes Again.
    My grandpa passed from Covid-19. He was in the Philippines when it happened and my Mom cried a lot, we wanted to help him but we couldn't go to the Philippines.
  • +1 The Kid becomes a Man

    I graduated elementary, I was really proud of myself.
    But I’ll miss my friends, because I made so much memories with them.
  • -2 No! I want to go back!

    When I started junior high it was really messy. I have to be on the computer for 7 hours and some of the classes I dislike.