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My Personal Identity Timeline

  • The day it all began

    The day it all began
    When I was born my mom was by herself except for the love her sister and my new 3 year old brother. My Dad was in the war at time for Iraq this left me fatherless for about 2 months. I did receive a spot in the newspaper though, and if I may say not a bad way to be brought into the world.
  • Divorced

    When I was about 5 My parents had gotten a divorce leaving me to live with my Mother for some time without seeing my Father
  • Catholic School

    Catholic School
    My Mom thought it would be a good idea to enroll me in catholic school so I would get out of my bad neighbor hood. I was enrolled to St.Pascals at 6 and lived at my Grandmothers house which then my Mom moved into shortly.
  • New parents?

    New parents?
    As i was growing up and my parents started to move on from each other my dad did a lot of dating so did my Mom, she had dated is one guy Mark i believe who really liked her and to butter her up he gave me a free acoustic guitar from the store he worked at and my brother a pair of bongo drums.
  • New mom?

    New mom?
    My dad had been seeing this girl for awhile and he really liked her so they got engaged and it was really fun I loved her as my new step mom we would visit her parents in indiana and they were nice people. This sadly came to end as they broke up before they got married
  • Wrap it before you Tap it (caring)

    Wrap it before you Tap it (caring)
    Even though my Dad and my ex something (Kate) had broken up they took the steps necessary to making a family and nine months later my baby sister Maryland was born. This was the first time I had a little sibling and from that moment on I didn't just care for myself I knew I would do anything to keep her safe
  • New Mom lets try this again

    New Mom lets try this again
    My dad had met a new girl and go married in Las Vegas they ended up actually being a good couple and had two kids together they are best friends, but recently to date have split up after 8 years of marriage
  • Sports focused

    Sports focused
    I had my first taste with sports when I was in elementary sometime before 7th grade I believe it to be the same I started Young marnies. I played football at Portage Park for the Panthers before they were the Shamrocks. That helped me get some friends, morals, and love of the sport. We ended up going somewhere for the championship we lost but that's when I would say my hunger to excel at whatever I do started
  • Young Marines (Principled)

    Young Marines (Principled)
    I was enrolled into the young marines with my brother and step sister in the program i went from being morbidly obese to just chubby and the to swole af :). We did a lot of charity work and I learned discipline and how to be a man I remember the amount of times I wanted to quit during those workouts. My step sister ended up quitting the program and I followed suit when I came into High school as I had a whole new set of problems. My brother graduated from the program when he turned 18.
  • New Dad? (open minded)

    New Dad? (open minded)
    Just as my dad had moved on with two other girls mainly my mom decided to get married to a man named Juan Bautista he was actually a great guy a bit old but fun to hangout with. He did a lot of things my dad never had time for like take me camping and fishing. My mom and him broke up last year but I still see him as a friend and his kids as my step-siblings. I never liked my step dad nut looking back on it was because he was married to my mom I did came to like him I just needed an open mind
  • New school ( Knowledgeable)

    New school ( Knowledgeable)
    I had gone to St.Pascals up until 6th grade and it was nice I thought good morals and such. Now I transferred St.Tars. I did many sports there as I stopped playing football but started again at tars. I left tars after 7th grade and both Pascals and Tars combined to become a united school as PFGA or Pope Francis Global Academy. My old friends met my new ones and I became a mediator of sorts. I've learned many things from my time at both campuses. Things I carry onto this day.
  • 3 sport Athlete

    3 sport Athlete
    At tars I played football and that when I found out I was good at the sport as well as that's when my fascination for wrestling started. I wasn't very good in the beginning I remember during practice I could barely do one pull up and now at Taft I rep out 15 to reach a total of 50 everyday.
  • Soup Kitchen (Communicators)

    Soup Kitchen (Communicators)
    I worked at a soup kitchen on this not so special day on the south side. Most of people coming in where Hispanic and my mother and I being some of the only Hispanic people there has to translate so the people could get their food and some medicine
  • Starting to work with my hands (inquirers)

    Starting to work with my hands (inquirers)
    I would watch videos on Youtube of DIY things to build at home thats what led me to working with my step dad on making corn hole boards, working on cars/diesel engines, and by myself working minority on electrics by soldering things and make electric boards and working circuits of moving parts.
  • New school Again

    New school Again
    I was supposed to go to Hitch but my mom enrolled me at Oriole and I was half a day late as she had bought a house and my father was still renting out houses and apartments. I did end up loving Oriole and I still hangout with my classmates from that school to which i'm proud to call my friends. I played football for the park as the Oriole park Falcons and I was good by then and I met more people I was talk to and was recruited to play at Taft by coach T.
  • Crossfit (balance)

    Crossfit (balance)
    This is where I became balanced where I learned never to give up and how to workout and do school work as I remember I would do my homework between workouts
  • close but no cigar

    close but no cigar
    It was my Freshman year wrestling. I was a sub for Varsity but I was still jv for the city tournament I was up at my final match for the day to place either second or first I ended hitting a risky move and got stuck to my back but kept fighting for the rest of the period and lost by two points. Thats what I remember everytime i Go on the mat to be better and win
  • Marisa's Bday (Thinkers)

    Marisa's Bday (Thinkers)
    She had an escape room which we all had to solve puzzles all related to Marisa and her life to celebrate her birthday to go room to room and finally get out it was fun working with my friends to solve the puzzles.
  • AVID Field Trip (Reflective)

    AVID Field Trip (Reflective)
    In AVID everything we do has a point and something we have to reflect on. On the AVID Field trip for instance they threw in old challenges and things we learned prior to the trip as we all would have to put our collective minds together to recollect and solve.
  • continuing sports at Taft

    continuing sports at Taft
    I have this hunger now to win and I've been training and thats why I'm confident I can win city this year and make it to be at least a state qualifier Im going to take this to rugby and next football year but now its wrestling season I have to Train