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My Personal Identity Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    On May 22 my mom gave birth to a beautiful and health baby. This was during lunch time and as soon as the prayer came on I was born. This was the best day for my whole family.
  • Period: to

    Bed Resting

    My mom and I were resting. She feed me. a This was my mom's third surgery at the same exact spot so she was in a lot of pain and I understand. She required more sleep and healing then I did.
  • Vacation

    When I was really little my whole family decided to go on vacation with my dad's small Volkswagen beetle. It was so fun and I remember my dad changing the tire. I remember my dad was so tired and he almost jammed up his arm he has a little scar from anyways.
  • Freedom of Speech

    Freedom of Speech
    When I was little my parents were worried about me. And I loved drinking water. So every time I wanted water I would just point to it and everyone would rush water to me. My mom then came up with an idea that if she wanted me to talk it wold be a productive struggle so every time I wanted water I would have to talk and say water. I didn't really want to speak so I pointed but as a result I didn't get anything. At the end an finally my first word was water.
  • My first steps... well not really crawling

    My first steps... well not really crawling
    I really didn't start walking until I crawled. I remember I kept crawling to the kitchen and my sisters kept picking me up and bringing me to my family members. My grandparents kissing and giving unconditionally love.
  • Okay now I start walking

    Okay now I start walking
    When I start walking I remember it was so cold against hard wooden floor. So I ended wearing my dad's socks and running around in them. They always made me feel all warm and cozy. And I can always hear my dad calling out to m mom and asking her about his socks. And I run up to him and we laughed together.
  • Getting Settled In

    Getting Settled In
    When we moved to Turkey there was a lot of things we had to do. First and for most was getting to learn the language because talking to our landlord and also the market owners and stuff.
  • Being Intelligent

    Being Intelligent
    This is the year I started kindergarten. First of let me just tell you it was nothing like I imagined kindergarten to be like. WE were learning new things from the alphabet all the way to numbers. This was my first time being introduced to this because in daycare all you did was eat and take naps, we never actually sat as a class and learn, but it was a really fun experience.
  • Daycare

    I started going to daycare. On my first day going I felt really home-sick and I didn't wanna leave my parents. And as soon as my mom dropped me off I started throwing a tantrum on how give me back to my mom I don't wanna be here, and so on and so far.
  • Caring

    One night our neighbor's house got flooded due to the heavy rain that took place.I really felt bad so me being little I said you can stay with us until your house gets fixed and dries up. And my neighbor started laughing and said "no its okay honey", but my parents agreed with me and said"yes shes right".And then our neighbor was delighted.
  • Religious classes

    Religious classes
    I got to my first day of religious classes. I did throw tantrums as a matter of fact this time it was worse than the daycare issue. But once I saw the teacher and she told me "everything is going to be okay sweetie", it made me remember my mom. She gave me a big hug and kissed on my cheeks and made me feel belong. That day as soon I was done I went up to the teacher hugged her knees and told her "see you tomorrow", I remember she was laughing.
  • Social Butterfly

    Social Butterfly
    Growing up I was always social.And I loved making new friends. Something about that that only made me feel good but it also made want to keep making new friends and connections. Literally I made some much friends and I knew every single person in my block even the ones on the other side.
  • My First Birthday

    My First Birthday
    I remember I celebrated m birthday at two different places. One was at religious classes and the other one at home. My friends were all so happy and pumped up because 1) we had a party and 2) there was cake who doesn't like to be honest. That day when I came home and my parents went all out to decorate and they invited everyone from my grand parents to my aunts and uncles. I remember my mom made not only a cute white dog cake but also a delicious one too.
  • Leaving

    When I was only 4 years old my family and I decided to leave Iran and move to America to have a better opportunity. But before we can get here we had to stop at other country called Turkey this is where I spent a little of my childhood doing things that kids my age did. Which was to go to school and make new friends and explore opportunities
  • Funny

    Growing up and til this day I am a funny. I always on top of making everyone I knew and loved laugh, and I was successful. I remember one day my sister literally asked me how I made one of her friends when she never found anything in partially funny. I was surprised but told my sister that is impossible. After all this whenever Arezoo(my sister's friend) came over I always put a smile on her face before and after.
  • Responsibility

    Growing up I always helped my parents around the house. More specifically my mom. I helped her wash the dishes, clean,sweep, and do laundry. I realized that down the line these tasks helped me becomeboth busy and prepared
  • Emotional Me

    Emotional Me
    Growing up and until this day I am a really emotional kid. I cry over the little things in life when others don't find. I kinda of like this because I know I have feelings and I feel empowered that I can express my feelings and that makes me proud and happy of me being me. When I was leaving Turkey I remember I spent un-constant crying straight
  • Risk Taker

    Risk Taker
    I remember one day we were taking a bathroom break as a whole entire class and my teacher was getting water but couldn't due to our class snake pet. I was always scared of snakes. But that day my teacher asked who can hold him and everyone was afraid too, so I took the risk and held him and after that day I keep buddies with Roger(class pet)
  • Respectful

    I remember I won an award for being the most respectful kid both in my class and my grade level. My teacher explained to me I say "thank you" and I'm really polite.And that I should continue with my success and I shouldn't let anyone absolutely no one to change me.
  • Perfectionist

    I remember when I was starting school and I had to get school supplies I wanted everything to absolutely color coordinated and that I should every single supply. Growing up this continued and I'm kinda glad about this. And also I never went to sleep until all my homework was absolutely done to the fullness and there was nothing missing.
  • Open Mind

    Open Mind
    Growing up my family has moved a lot. Even though it was the absolute hardness for me because me being emotional I always looked on the bright side of things and how this a good opportunity but not only for my family but also for my sisters and I. I really am grateful and appreciative for my parents they left their loved ones for my sisters and I.