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My Milestones

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    My mom told me I was her easiest child to birth, like I was just a big poop she pushed out and then it was over. :) ... This is me when I was little because I couldn't find a baby picture.
    Fun Fact: The doctors told my mom I was going to be a boy so I had a boy baby shower and they were going to name me Dylan. Then I was actually a girl and they ended up naming me Emily Rose Cerda.
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    My Milestones

  • My Brother's Birth

    My Brother's Birth
    Even when we don't get along because he is a pain in my butt, I still love his corny jokes.
  • Outing With My Mom

    Outing With My Mom
    This day was so much fun because my mom and I were joking the whole time and I know I look insane is this picture but I remember laughing so hard that day so I love it.
  • My tenth birthday

    My tenth birthday
    I went to Knotts Berry Farm and I went on every ride with my stepdad and I had so much fun even though I cried on at least 3 rides.
  • My first day of 6th grade

    My first day of 6th grade
    My first day of sixth grade was at Crestwood. Sixth grade was the longest year of my life and also one of the funnest because I went to Astrocamp and Clear Creek Camp with my friends.
  • Jesse's 8th Birthday

    Jesse's 8th Birthday
    We threw my cousin his 8th birthday and we were all really excited because we don't get to see him much.
  • My Baby Sister's Birth

    My Baby Sister's Birth
    I saw my sister being born and in my opinion it is not the most beautiful thing to see. It was scary and the nurse kept messing with me. Even though watching her birth wasn't the best experience for me being her big sister has been. I love her more than anything in the world and her name is Vivien Rose Velasquez.
  • Mt first day at Baxter

    Mt first day at Baxter
    I thought this school was insane for a week or so and then I realized I loved it.
  • My Puppies

    My Puppies
    They were born October 11,2016 and they're my sons. :) This picture is Teddy after he ran away and ended up six hours away .. Mozzie looks almost identical.
  • Maryy's Quince

    Maryy's Quince
    This was the first time I went out with all of my new friends at Baxter and it was so much fun and Maryy looked so pretty.
  • The day Lesly taught me how to dance to Spanish music

    The day Lesly taught me how to dance to Spanish music
    She called me and told me we were going to a quince and then 30 minutes later we were leaving and the dance was so much fun.
  • Valentines Day

    Valentines Day
    Maryy and Lesly were my Valentines and we went and had ice cream and we had a lot of fun.
  • My second JSA conference

    My second JSA conference
    I went to Winter Congress and I brought all my friends with me and we learned a lot of new things and met a lot of new people and it's a memory I'll have forever.
  • My Kitten

    My Kitten
    My kitten is my daughter and shes the most beautiful cat ever and I love her so much. Her name is Suda. :)
  • My first day of junior year

    My first day of junior year
    This has been the best beginning of a school year so far because I love all my classes I have all my friends and I have more freedom from my mom to do stuff with my friends.
  • Photo Shoot

    Photo Shoot
    Lesly came to my house and I took a thousand pictures of her and my sister and we laughed and danced and yelled at eachother.