My Media Timeline

  • A month I was born

    A month I was born
    A beautyful day my parent can have
  • I learned to read and write

    I learned to read and write
    my parents used to teach me early in being literate
  • Having a lot of experience

    Having a lot of experience
    my friend thought me how to use media as the entertainment purpose like gaming.
  • My first Cellular phone

    My first Cellular phone
    my mother fave me a Cellular phone to sure that the time she need to talk to me and for emergency purposes.
  • Creating connection

    Creating connection
    signing to social media to c.ommunicate or to gain information that can help my study
  • Being literate

    Being literate
    l was able to understand what was the purposes of the internet of things and its role to our daily life knowing the limit of every information we've taken by to use it in our study in using social media has a limitation of giving and taking information.