My Media

  • RADIO - (2008)

    RADIO - (2008)
    I was first expose in radio because of my grandparents who loved to listen dramas in the radio every afternoon. So I used to listen to dramas and news being broadcasted every noon before.
    Radio is sound communication by radio waves, usually through the transmission of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to multitudes of individual listeners equipped with radio receivers.
  • TELEVISION - (2010)

    TELEVISION - (2010)
    I was expose in television when I was 5 years old, way back 2010. I first saw the movie barbie as a kid and grew fond of Disney movies. I'd always ask my parents to buy CD's for me and after I finish studying I'd always run to our living room to watch TV.
    Television is also known as a TV. Television was invented in the 1920s but the equipment was expensive and the pictures were poor. By the 1950s, these problems had been fixed and TVs became widespread.
  • Flip phone - (2012)

    Flip phone - (2012)
    I got my first phone in year 2012 a Samsung flip model, that was given to me by my mom's sister. I was so happy that time when mommy gave it to me because I was able to play games in my phone, listen to music, and watch videos.
    Flip phones: they had relinquished their dominance in the market by the time the first true smartphones became commercially available around the mid-2000s.
  • Facebook - (2015)

    Facebook - (2015)
    In 2015 I also started using Facebook because that time all my classmates had a Facebook account. Until now I'm still using Facebook as a source of entertainment and a way to communicate with my love ones.
    Facebook is a social media networking site that allows users to connect with friends, family, co-workers. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their own thoughts and opinions with however many people they like.
  • Smartphone -(2015)

    Smartphone -(2015)
    In year 2015 I had my first ever smartphone that was given to me as a gift by my aunt. My phone became my source of entertainment drastically because of it's functions and of course because of the games my phone had.
    Smart Phone are a class of mobile phones and of multi-purpose mobile computing devices. They are distinguished from feature phones by their stronger hardware capabilities and extensive mobile operating systems, which facilitate wider software.
  • Computer - (2016)

    Computer - (2016)
    I first used a computer way back 2016 in cebu with my cousins, they thought me how to use the computer and after that we played online game, watch funny videos and it became our bonding that time. Computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs.It is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. 
  • Wattpad

    When I was 13 years old I started reading Wattpad with the influence of my friends, they told me that their are many great stories to read in Wattpad and they didn't really disappoint me with that. True enough Wattpad has great stories that you can learn from and to realize things. Wattpad is an online social reading platform that breaks down barriers between readers and writers. It encourages users to create and share their own stories in all genres .
  • Laptop - (2018)

    Laptop - (2018)
    2018 was the year I got exposed in laptop, because my sister asked me to type her lessons, and after that I get to play with it and watch YouTube. Laptops are computers designed for portability. They have all the same components and capabilities of traditional desktops, but are smaller and can fold up.