My Life So Far

  • Passing of My Uncle

    My uncle Mike passed away when I was a baby so I was to little to remember him. I would love to meet him some day because he sounded like such a great guy.
  • Birth

    I was born on June 26, 2004 at the Red Deer Hospital. I met my parents, brother and family for the first time. I was born just a day after my dads birthday. That is where the story of my life begins.
  • Going to Nova Scotia

    Going to Nova Scotia
    When I was four years old my family traveled to Nova Scotia so we could meet some of my cousins that I had not met before. I went swimming in the ocean and did all sorts of fun things. A horrific memory from the trip is when I was swimming in the ocean and got taken out by a wave. I swallowed a ton of the salt water which caused me to vomit uncontrollably. That is the only thing I really remember from the trip.
  • First Dance Class

    First Dance Class
    At four years old I had my very first dance class. It was a few month long program at the Red Deer College. My mom just put me in it for something cute to do without realizing many years later she would end up spending hours driving me back and fourth, she would have to pay for expensive costumes/classes and so on.
  • Passing of my Great Grandma

    Passing of my Great Grandma
    This was the first death in my family that I remember. I was very upset because I loved my great grandma so much. She was such a kind lady. I remember how every time I went to go see her she would quiz me and my brother on our times tables. She was so smart and loved to help us with any school work we had. I hope that I can meet again with her someday.
  • Trip to Mexico

    Trip to Mexico
    When I was ten I went to Mexico with my parents and brother for a wedding. We stayed at a really good all inclusive resort. One of the things we did on the trip was boating/snorkeling the one day. The ocean was crystal clear so you could see right through it. The water was so deep that it seemed to never end. It was such a fun trip, I would love to go again some time n the future.
  • Passing of My Grandma

    Passing of My Grandma
    My grandma passed away. I was very sad because she was a huge influence in my life. She is so genuine, sweet and selfless. She always made sure to put others before herself, especially her family. She loved all of her grandchildren equally and made a huge effort to make sure we all knew how much she loved us. She is probably the toughest, most hardworking person I have ever met and will ever meet in my entire life. This picture is the first time my grandma ever held me.
  • Passing of my Grandpa

    Passing of my Grandpa
    My grandpa passed away. I was very sad and upset because I loved him a lot and my grandma had just passed away a year before and I didn't think my family would be able to get through it again. Even though I felt very empty and saddened, I was glad he got to be with my grandma again. After she passed away he was extremely lonely and heartbroken. I was glad he wouldn’t have to be in pain anymore. I love him and miss him so much. This is a picture of the first time he ever held me.
  • Getting my dog Daisy

    Getting my dog Daisy
    After years of trying to convince my parents, they finally let my brother and I get a dog. My brother and I put our money together and bought a dog with zero help from my parents. I’m glad we got her because she is such a cute, energetic little pup that always fills me with happiness.
  • Nutcracker Auditions

    Nutcracker Auditions
    I had auditions for the Nutcracker Ballet. I had done it many years prior but this year it was slightly different because now I was going to be on pointe. I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it because I had only really been on pointe for 4 months and I didn't do much over the break. I was disappointed in myself because I was horrible at the tryouts. Luckily my teacher saw faith in me and gave me a role anyway. I spent hours practicing and was able to improve a ton in a short period of time.
  • Getting Pointe Shoes

    Getting Pointe Shoes
    This is one of the biggest achievements I have had in my life. I worked very hard stretching and strengthening my feet to work up to this huge goal of mine and I did it. It was a lot of hard work but it has finally payed off. This is just a little step because now I have had to work so much harder to prefect and do things on pointe because it is a lot harder and more painful then it looks!
  • Trip to California

    Trip to California
    Last summer I went on a trip to Anehem with my family. It will probably be the most memorable trip my family and I will ever go on. So many things happened that were both negative, and positive that will make it impossible to forget. So many ironic things happened and looking back now makes me laugh. That was a trip that I will never be able to forget!