My Life; Past Present and Future

  • Period: to

    Welcome to my life span

  • 2nd Grade Minute Math

    2nd Grade Minute Math
    In second grade, for math we would have practice tests, one sheet with al subtraction, or all multiplication. We had to do as much as we could in a minute. It was always my goal to try to finish with spare time.
  • Bratz

    Though out my childhood, since I recieved my first Bratz doll, I was maybe 6, and until I got too old to play with them anymore, I wanted to own ALL the Bratz dolls
  • Teacher

    When I was around the age of 9, I wanted to be a teacher. At home I had this white board with a chalkboard on the back and I would play with my sisters and my stuffed animals pretending it was my class. I dreamed of having a little teachers kit because all my 'class tools' were something random like a big pen that I used as a pointer.
  • Constitution Test

    Constitution Test
    In 7th grade, social studies was always a struggle for me. One thing that was very improtant at the time was the Constitiution test. We were able to take it as many times we could as long as we passed. At first I thought I had it down but I ended up with D. The second time I tried studying extra hard, and just passed.
  • Find Me

    Find Me
    When I was in freshman year, my goal was to stop being so shy and I wanted to step out of my comfort zone, but that did not really happen.
  • Me Now

    Me Now
    Right now, my goal is to perfect my own laguage and become fluent. I also want to learn how to cook our traditional foods. At my age I should really learn these things so my mother take a break.
  • Junior year

    Junior year
    My goal for junior year is to pass with just A's and B's. I know junior year is very difficult and keeping my grades high will be a goal.
  • Graduation

    When I'm 18, it is definetly my goal to graduate and cross the stage without emberassing mself in anyway.
  • UIC

    When I turn 19 and graduate, my goal is to go to the University of Illinois in Chicago
  • Cali Road Trip

    Cali Road Trip
    I've always wanted to go to California, my cousins have been there and only ever have good things to say about it. They always tell me one day we will all go there and have the time of our lives, so it is my goal for us all to drive there before I turn 20
  • Rolla Coasters

    Rolla Coasters
    Since I am terrified of rollar coasters, I'm making t my goal to go on every rollar coaster ride in Six Flags when I turn 21.
  • Love

    When I'm in college, its my dream to fall in love and get married
  • GIft of Life

    GIft of Life
    Before I turn 26, I want to have a child. (Of course only if I am married at that time).
  • College

    When I am 26, it will be my goal to graduate from college
  • Teen Kids

    Teen Kids
    Before my kids go out to live on their own, my goal will be for all of us to go on amazing facations that will make memories, because I know in my family, all our vacations happened when we were too young and now there not time for fun time off. Being a teenager it sucks so when my kids are teenagers, going on vacas will make them happy
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    When I am 40, it will be my goal to go to Disney world with my family. I have never been to Disney World and when I go I see myself going with my husband and kids.
  • Dream house

    Dream house
    When I am in my 40's, I hope that my family will have a big beautiful dream house that's perfect size.
  • Kids to College

    Kids to College
    When my kids are at the age where they are graduating from high school, I'll be there to help and teach them to get a job so that going into college won't be much of a struggle than it already is.
  • Being Healthy Pays Off

    Being Healthy Pays Off
    When I am in my middle ages, I will make it my goal to stay healthy and free from diabetes and other diseases like that, so that when I retire, I can be healthy to do all the things I plan to do.
  • Grandkids

    When I'm 50, or just when all my kids are older and in college or married, I will definetley be dedicated to helping them with any situation, whether it invloves wanting comfort, or needing money, I will help the best I could.
  • Retirement

    After I retire, one of my goals will be to spend mos tof my time with my family, since the job that I had did not allow me much free time
  • Travel to an Island

    Travel to an Island
    After I retire, I want to use my money that I have saved to take my family to a nice island. Everyone needs time to relax and have fun on an island with or without family.
  • Healthy

    Until death, I hope I stay healthy so I could acheive rhe other goals that I had planned for after retirement..