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My Life

By litzy10
  • Hey Parents

    Hey Parents
    I was born in the united states, Dalton Georgia, I was my parents second child.
  • my baptism

    my baptism
    i don't really remember what happen because i was like 2 years old. all i known is that i became a child of god and my parents through me a party all my family came.
  • my 1st communion

    my 1st communion
    i was in 2nd grade when i did it, so i was like 6. it was exciting for me. to wear a big dress and have my family come to my party. i liked when they came because they would bring presents. it was a great day.
  • Tybee island

    Tybee island
    My family likes to do fun things on July 4th so we always go to the beach (Tybee island) but this time we went this year wewantedto go with my uncles family admy brohes girlfriend. It was fun we wet to the beach, went out to eat, andthen we went to go see some fire woks it was really pretty becaue they were big. After that we got on a boat and it took us to the other side from where were at but it took us back. So we went on the 3rd and we went back home on the 5th because my uncle had to work.
  • i went to white waters with my friend and her family

    i went to white waters with my friend and her family
    I woke up early that day and I was really excited to go with her, my mom really doesn't let me go anywhere like tha because it was far, but she let me go because she knew her mom really well. The lines where really long. My phone kind off got messed up when I took it to take pictures, but we had a great time.
  • 1st place soccer finals!!!

    1st place soccer finals!!!
    I woke up really early and ate really good for I can have lots of energy when I went to go play. I got there early and I was ready. The other team we had to play with was really diry so they were pretty hard but one of my teammates scored 2 free kicks an they scored one goal. the game ended and we won 2-1, it was a really good moment. we all where happy!!!
  • I went to the fair with my friends

    I went to the fair with my friends
    Friday October,21 after school I went home ate and waited for my mom to get home, for she can take me to go get my ticket. she then came, we went and than she took me we road all the rides but not the little kid ones. we watched the little circus they had there after that we went to McDonalds and we had a fun time there making jokes I think that was my favorite part of the day. we than went back to the fair and waited to get on rides again because we didn't want to through up on any ride.
  • i went on a fild trip to dahlonega

    i went on a fild trip to dahlonega
    the field trip was fun, we got to look at gold and where did it come from, we got some really pretty rocks. we got to hang with our friends more.
  • new years eve

    new years eve
    for new years eve my family alays likes to gather around at my aunts house, and we like to play secret Santa I don't know why o new years eve. Around 10 we start opening the presents. When the clock is on 12:00 we hug everyone and say "happy new year".
  • My 14th B-day/party and lost soccer finals

    My 14th B-day/party and lost soccer finals
    So much to do this day, the 1st thing I did was go to my brothers soccer game, then we went to go get my stuff for my party, I had to hurry because I had to get to my soccer game which was at 4:00 , I got there an lots of people where there to support us, we tried our very best but there is always an issue with the refs, they didn't count a goal that went in we couldhave probably won if they counted was really sad. after that I went home got ready and we let the fun begin. with my party.