My Life (^.^)

By judicus
  • The last day of school!

    Schools out for summer!
  • Our church yard sale

    We shined tires and had a lemonade stand to raise money for youth group.
  • Left for vacation!

    First stop Pittsburgh
  • Fourth of July Festival and Fireworks

    It was fun and we had a war with confetii shooters.
  • Off to Kentucky!

    We had nine hours to drive to Pittsburgh to Kentucky. It was worth it.
  • Creation Museum

    It was awesome and they had a bunch of lessons on God and Creation. The best part was the planetarium.
  • Newport Aquarium

    They had a lot of types of fish including sharks, turtles, frogs and gattors. My favorite of all was the penguins. Theya actually compied me. It was following me through the glass.
  • Lazer Craze

    As you thought it is about lazer tag but there was a trampoleene room that you can bounce. We went to arcade next. We won lazer tag.
  • Cinncinatti Zoo

    It was very hot out and I just wanted to stay at the hotel room. When we all got back we were so happy the heat was gone.
  • Home from vacation

    I was so happy to be home because we got to play with my oldest brother who was working and watching the dogs.
  • Church Picnic

    Mostly what I did there was swimming and eating.
  • I broke my wrist, bad!!!!

    I fell off a skateboard. It hurt but I was more concerned about my knee because it was bleeding. Anything that has to do with blood I scream about.
  • Surgery!

    It was my first ever surgery. They put pins in to help my bones. My arm is broken bad.
  • Went to a Demolition Derby

    It was fun and my car won two times.
  • VBS

    VBS goes until August 15th.
  • My cast comes off and my pins out!

    It felt really weird and I have to wear a splint for two weeks.
  • First day of school

    Hello 4th grade!