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>My life<

  • I was born in Reno Nevada

    I was born in Reno Nevada
    Not a lot of people don't believe me that I was born in Reno Nevada, and I had visited Nevada, and it's very hot, and there is less air, so I got very dissy when I first got there.
  • I got my first long term dog Chichi.

    I got my first long term dog Chichi.
    She is now, 8 years old, and she is a Shih-tzu miniture poodle. I love her so much:)
  • I met Santa for the first time:)

    I met Santa for the first time:)
  • I had my first Christmas in Canada

    I had my first Christmas in Canada
    I had Christmas in Canada one year, and it was amazing! And a lot of Cnadian family come over, and I wish lived in Canadsa:)
  • I graduated 6th grade

    I graduated 6th grade
    In the picture, it's me and Mrs.Jackie, my favorite helper in the whole world! she is really funny and tells a lot of funny jokes:)
  • My first favorite teacher Mrs.Zackosky

    My first favorite teacher Mrs.Zackosky
    She was my 6th grade teacher, she helped me with my struggle in math and scocial studies, and I'm very thankful for that:)
  • I began 7th grade at Sherman Middle School

    I began 7th grade at Sherman Middle School
    I began 7th grade, I was really scared, and I didn't know what to expect.. But the year went by really fast:)
  • I began 8th grade

    I began 8th grade
    I was'nt scared at all for 8th grade, because I was already use to the school building:)
  • My very first indoor cat was Chester

    My very first indoor cat was Chester
    Chester is a tabby and he is really fat:3
  • I got my 2nd indoor cat, her name is Chella

    I got my 2nd indoor cat, her name is Chella
    Chella is a Maincoon, and she is only 10 month old in this picture:)
  • My pet Remie died

    My pet Remie died
    My pet rat had passed away due to a sickness that's very common in most, but not all rats...
  • I got contacts

    I got contacts
    I got my first set of contacts, and it was a really weird experience, and I have only gone through 2 pairs:)
  • I began 9th grade

    I began 9th grade
    I was really scared, I was shaking on the bus ride there, and I had a stomach ache all day. But highschool is fun and challaging... And I always enjoy first hour every day with Mrs.Lemmons:)
  • I got a new kitty:3

    I got a new kitty:3
    I had adopetd an orange tabby, his name is Mago, and he is one of 3 of my kitties:3
  • I became obsesed with The Walking Dead

    I became obsesed with The Walking Dead
    I love the suspense and the Walkers:)