Period: to
High School Graduation
College Planning at UMKC
Gets an Internship at a Local Pharmacy
Graduates from UMKC
Nabs a Pharmacist Position in Texas
Buying a Used Car
Set up A Retirement Account!
Finally paid off student loans
Meets girl of my dreams
Getting Married - Letting Spouse Plan it
Bought A Nice family House
Family Planning - Insurance and Savings Decisions
Wife Pregnant, Saving Up Money for our new child
Baby girl is Born!
Set up College Fund for Daughter
Paid off my Car, Next up House
Paid off My House Finally!
Family Vacation to Vietnam!
My Daughter's Graduation - Sad Day
Financial Stability - Daughter's College Paid Off
Joined an Adults Tennis Club
Retired - Pulled out my Savings
Traveling with My Wife Across Europe
Planning Will, leaving estate to my responsible daughter