My Birthday!!
This Day an angel was born, his name was FaleituOleAtiTagaloa Jaamalanga Lupematasila -
Joined Football and Basketball
My first time playing sports for a league -
Became a Student
I started of in Kindergarten at Riverdale Rascals Elementary. -
About Me
My name is FalefituOleAtiTagaloa Jaamalanga Lupematasila. I am 16 going to 17 on March 25. I am the youngest of 2. I have an amazing Brother in Law and Sister. I also have the cutest nephew ever. I currently live with both parents and am currently trying to make them proud. I am trying to do my best in school so I can further my education and talents to a University. It may not look like it but the results will show. I am hoping to go pro so I can make money for my family. F.O.E