
My life as a toddler

  • Baby is born

    Baby is born
  • Period: to

    Toddler Development

  • 13-15 months ( Physical )

    13-15 months ( Physical )
    May stand erect with only slight support, also may stand alone without support for a short time.
  • 13-15 months ( Intellectual )

    13-15 months ( Intellectual )
    Explores different features of objects as if studying them. Experiments with actions never tried before.
  • 16-18 months ( Physical )

    16-18 months ( Physical )
    Walks fast and runs stiffly. Squats down smoothly from standing position.
  • 16-18 months ( Intellectual )

    16-18 months ( Intellectual )
    Is very inquisitive about everything. Remembers where objects belong.
  • 19-21 months ( Physical )

    19-21 months ( Physical )
    A toddler walks sideways and backward. runs without falling often. Responds rhythmically to music with whole body.
  • 19-21 months ( Intellectual )

    19-21 months ( Intellectual )
    Progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play. Can remember familiar objects without seeing them.
  • 22-24 months ( Physical )

    Walks with more coordination and assurance, Walks sideways and backward with ease. Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements.
  • 22-24 months ( Intellectual )

    Becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves. Is curious abput objects in enviroment; feels, squeezes, pulls and pushes objects.
  • 24-30 Months ( Intellectual )

    Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows. Understands cause and effect in terms if iwn behavior.
  • 24-30 months ( Physical )

    Improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disappear. Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops.
  • 30-36 months ( Intellectual )

    Begins to classify objects into general categories. Uses symbolic representation in make-believe play.
  • 30-36 months ( Physical )

    Likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backward. Enjoys games involving running.