My Life Adventure of Being an English Immigrant

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born in London, England. When I was 13 I immigrated to NYC. I left to start a new life. I am hoping to start a family and get a job. I as a child lost my dad in the Civil War. My mother lives with my brother and sister. I was waiting for the oppourtunity to leave. I am healthy and able to take care of myself on my own. I am writing this so that the generations after me know how we ended up here.
  • Packing Up and Leaving

    Packing Up and Leaving
    I just wanted to get up and leave to start a better and newer life for myself. I gathered up a small bundle of things and started for the seaport. I made it there by train and abourded the steamship. When I abourded the ship I got to be in the wealthy area because my family had money. Thousands of people were on that ship the day I started my journey over. It took about a week and a half for my journey to be over. I was just so ready to start a new life but sad that I had to leave my family.
  • Registering to Live Here

    Registering to Live Here
    I entered the Great Hall. I just came in so I am at the end of the line. The noise is way to loud, but the building is very large. When you entered the Great Hall you were waiting in line for some very important buisness. When you got to the front they decided wheather or not you could enter the country right away or if your case needed further review. There were thousands of us in there just waiting along the rails till it became our turn.
  • My Arrivial in the New World

    My Arrivial in the New World
    I have made it but I am dirty and very tired. I was awake when we got here and saw the Statue of Liberty, which stood on its own island in the harbor since 1886. Health officers boarded the ship to make sure nobody had a diseases. The building had a long path that men, women, children walked following one another. The baggage area held the belongings everyone brought as they went through inspection. After the beaggage room we went upstairs to the registry room.
  • Figuring Out the Direction to go

    Figuring Out the Direction to go
    I passed inspection now came the thought of going North or going South. It took about 5 mins for me to decide. I choose to go South only because there is a lot of open land and I cant start a new life. Now I just need to remember which stair case that is. The left is North, the middle is detained, and the right is South. I followed that down to the ticket office for the train. I just echanged my money from my home land to American money.
  • Starting a New Life in America

    Starting a New Life in America
    I found my way down to Texas. I am now married and have 1 kid. My family from London is doing very well. I had a family picture taken so I could show my mom my new life. We live on a ranch and crow our own crops to make it through. Im a stay at home mom and my husband works out in the fields to make a living.