My life

My Life

  • Born

  • Died while in surgery

    Died while in surgery
    I was having a tonsils and adenoids taken out and i died for a little bit. I was in children's hospital, and my brother had to carry me everywhere. along with that i had phenomena and got a infection from the surgery. It helped me be mentally and physically strong. it helped me to push thru things.
  • kindergarten

    funnest part of my little kid years. The assignments was lots easier and really fun. I loved the nap times because I was tired after lunch. It helped me to mature as I got older and not depend no people as much.
  • Called the cops

    I called the cops on my brother. He took my bb gun and never gave it back. The cops showed up and i was in big trouble. It helped me to know that calling the police is for emergencies only, and that it can get innocent people hurt for others ignorance.
  • Almost kidnapped

    Almost kidnapped
    I was at I-30 speedway and got mad at my mom and had ran away. I went to the parking lot and a guy asked if i wanted to go ridding around. As i got to his truck my mom seen my and got me. It let me know that if my mo tells me to do something that I should do it other than getting mad and get myself hurt.
  • first year in football

    first year in football
    I became a football player and was apart of offense and defensive player. I didn't know what I was doing but i got better as time went and coached up. My first year we went undefeated but lost in the second round of the playoffs to fountain lake.
  • First year at private schools

    First year at private schools
  • Champions

    We won it all with an undefeated year with every team put in mercy rule. during the championship game I had fifteen tackles, three sacks, two blocked punt, and two fumble recoveries. pretty good night and i made all state and defensive player
  • wreaked

    my first wreak thank goodness it wasn't bad but totaled my trucked. My grandma was very upset because I lied to her wasn't doing what i was telling her i was doing and she had bought the truck for me. This event helped me to understand that I need to listen to my elders tell me things that are helpful and that good things don't come out of bad actions.