Start preschool
Met one of my Best Friends
Started Riding Horses
First Concert: Miley Cryus
Getting my Cats
Go to Africa
Graduate high school
5. Intimacy versus isolation
- When im in my twenties and thirties, I hope to be looking for a relationship.
Wedding Day
Peak of Life
This will be the peak of my life because I will hopefully be married and thinking about having a family. I will have a job and I will be traveling and having fun. I will also have lived through more experiences so I have more life lessons and stories. -
The most important thing I want my future self to know
I want my future self to know to live life doing whatever makes you the happiest. -
1. Authoritarian parent
- When I have my first kid, I will have an authoritarian parenting style because I will be overprotective and nervous since it will be my first kid.
4. Authoritative Parents
- With my second or third child I will have more of an authoritative parenting style because I have more experience being a parent.
2. Generativity versus stagnation
- When I reach my 40's , I will examine my life and see if it is going how i planned when I was younger. Even if it is not what I planned, if I am happy, I will accept it. If I am not happy, I will make changes.
3. Integrity versus despair
- Towards the end of my life, I will look back on my life experiences and evaluate my life.