My Life

  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    This was the start of the war and I knew I would soon be deployed. I told my family good bye and that I would miss them. We knew as soon as Germany invaded poland that I would soon be sent off to stop hitler.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Auschwitz Opens for bussiness

    We didn't know much about these camps at the time so it didnt really affect me but now that i know it was really disgusting. It hurts my soul thinking they could do that to someone else because theyre diffrent.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    I was in the midst of being trained for the war I would soon join. My brother was at pearl harbor that day and he was severly injured. I thought he was dead but he was one of the lucky ones. He got sent home that day missing one arm to his family.
  • Declare war on Japan

    Declare war on Japan
    This was the begging of one very long journey. This would send me off to another country for the first time and we didnt need a passwort for where we were going. I was scared to say the least but I was happy I could serve my country.
  • British Bombs

    This was the first of many bombing I saw. It was the first bombing run buy the british on germany so it was a very good site. This continued for some time but it helped alot.
  • Land on Sicily

    This was one of the battles I was in because they didnt have many people wanting to go here due tot eh unheard of danger. One of the worst battles for me. It was very bloody and gross reminded me of a strawbery smoothy.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    This was crazy to see. All the dead bodies and the live bodies running out to hug you. It was so scary because the live ones looked like the dead ones.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    The man we have looking to kill this whole time does it himself. He knew we were closing in on him at this time but why'd he take his own life. Maybe he thought he got the last laugh this time by killing himself. Maybe he wanted us to be mad that he got to do it and none of us.
  • The Bombs

    The Bombs
    I was so happy when I heard these bombs had dropped. I knew finnaly that I would be able to go home and see my family. I I felt horrible for the innocent japense lives that were lost but I was also greatful it meant the war was near the end. The cities were annilated both nagasaki and hiroshima.
  • Japan surrenders

    I was told I was going home tomorrow which made me super excited. I get to see my kids and how much theyve grown since the beging of the war. I had a feeling after we dropped the second bomb that they would surrender but you never know. it was a long 6 days to wait before the surrender but they were scared of another one.