My Life

  • Birth

    I was born... an hour and 20 minutes before my brother.
  • I started dancing

    I started dancing
    I decided I wanted to start dancing and started going to ballet class.
  • I started kindergarten

    I started kindergarten
    I start kindergarten at Fearn Elementary
  • Period: to

    More Dance

    Since I started Ballet at three, I decided to keep dancing and added styles Jazz (age 6) , Lyrical (age 9), Pre-pointe (age 9) and Tap (age 10). I also joined a competitive dance team (age 10).
  • Our cat, Pache, dies

    Our cat, Pache, dies
    Our cat Pache dies at the age of 21.
  • Period: to

    We get three new cats

    We adopted Hannah, Smokey and Bella in December 2013, April 2015, and July 2016.
  • I dance as Clara

    I dance as Clara
    I got the role of Clara in the Nutcracker in 5th grade which was very exciting.
  • Period: to

    Knee Injury

    I got Osteochondritis dissecans in my knee joint. This isn't a happy event, but it did put a pause in my dance career for four months and was a bigger part of my life.
  • Another style of dance

    Another style of dance
    I started Modern dance in 2017.
  • I got my pointe shoes

    I got my pointe shoes
    Getting approved for pointe shoes is one of the most memorable things to happen to a dancer. I got approved on World Ballet Day (October 5th) and got fitted for shoes later that week (October 8th).
  • I changed dance studios

    I changed dance studios
    My dance teacher opened her own dance studio and I love it there. I dance at Motif Dance Studio now.
  • Period: to

    Back Injury

    One year of no injuries and then I hurt my back. There is a stress fracture in my spine (spondylolisis). I am still injured :)
  • I danced at Disney

    I danced at Disney
    My team got to dance at Disney which was a cool experience overall. It was fun but very very hot.
  • West Dance Team

    West Dance Team
    I hope to be on the West Aurora Dance Team.
  • I start High School

    I start High School
    I will start high school in August 2019.
  • I'll get my braces off

    I'll get my braces off
    I'm supposed to get my braces off in the next year.
  • Keep dancing

    Keep dancing
    I know that after my back heals, I'll keep dancing. I might try hip hop?
  • Getting a dog?

    Getting a dog?
    My mom wants to get a dog at the end of my high school years.
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    I will graduate in 2023.
  • Graduate Dance

    Graduate Dance
    At 18, you have to graduate from our dance company.
  • College

    I will go to college. I will probably get a degree either for social work or occupational therapy.
  • Get a job

    Get a job
    I'll probably be either a social worker or occupational therapist and work with younger kids.
  • Marriage?

    I hope to be happily married by 30.
  • Kids?

    After I get married I will probably have kids. Either 2 or 3.
  • Family Pet(s)?

    Family Pet(s)?
    I want to have a dog or cat(s) someday as (a) family pet(s).
  • Disney with kids?

    Disney with kids?
    Maybe I'll take my kids to Disney on vacation? That's a pretty normal family vacation.
  • I'll be an aunt?

    I'll be an aunt?
    I'll probably be an aunt to my brother and cousin's kids.
  • Raising Kids?

    Raising Kids?
    Raising my kids will probably take up a lot of my life at this point. They'll be growing up by now.
  • New Pet?

    New Pet?
    All pets die. We will probably have to get new ones.
  • I'll be a Yogi?

    I'll be a Yogi?
    My mom has gotten me into yoga. I'll probably do yoga pretty regularly when I'm older.
  • North Carolina Vacation?

    North Carolina Vacation?
    My family vacations to North Carolina every couple years. Maybe I'll do that with my kids someday.
  • I'll be a grandma?

    I'll be a grandma?
    I will probably be a grandma right about now.
  • Retirement?

    The average retirement age in Illinois is 63.
  • Crazy Cat Lady?

    Crazy Cat Lady?
    Let's be honest here. I'm gonna be a crazy cat lady someday.
  • Great Grandma?

    Great Grandma?
    I'll probably be a great grandma by now.
  • Old Folks Home?

    Old Folks Home?
    I might have to be at an old folks home someday. :-(
  • Death?

    Women in both sides of my family live long. Usually they're around 100. It happens. :-(