My life

By 3010175
  • I was born

    I was born in the Little Company of Mary Hospital
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    My sister was born
  • I moved to Sugar Grove

    I moved to Sugar Grove
    I moved to Sugar Grove
  • I went to Fearn

    I went to Fearn
    When I moved to Sugar Grove, I had to go to Fearn.
  • I got into SCET

    I got into SCET
  • New Brother

    New Brother
    My brother was born
  • Fright Fest

    Fright Fest
    I went to my first fright fest
  • Disney

    I went to Disney for my cousin and aunt's birthday.
  • Family Reunion

    Family Reunion
    With almost our whole family
  • Hawaii

    I went to Hawaii for the first time
  • Alaska

    I went on an Alaskan cruise and to Canada
  • West

    I will go to West Aurora High School

    I will get my learners permit.
  • Break a bone

    I will break a bone for the first time
  • Get a job

    My first Job will be either work at Harners, or be a paper delivery person.
  • DRIVE!!

    I will get my driver liscence, and be able to drive.
  • Get a cat

    I will name him Tigger
  • Go to college

    I will go to whatever college I get into
  • Graduate

    I will graduate college
  • Starbucks

    Hadleigh will kidnap me and drive me to Starbucks
  • Go to Austrailia

    I will visit Austrailia for a year
  • CAR!

    I will get my first car
  • DOGS!

    I will get a Great Dane, English Mastiff, and Saint Bernard. (Baxter, Dixie, and Bo)
  • I get elected

    I get elected
    I am President of USA

    I will start WWIII as president
  • WW III ends

    We have won WW III against everysingle country
  • More power

    I will be in office for four more years.

    I will get a Golden Doodle, Scottish Deerhound, and a Leonburger.
  • Donkey!

    I will get a Donkey and name him Eeyore.
  • New roomate

    I will move in with Hadleigh in North Korea.
  • Hadleigh's Donkey

    I buy another donkey for Hadleigh
  • Acheivement Unlocked

    I have the world's largest gum wrapper collection with fifehundred thirty-three trillion gum wrappers.
  • Visitor

    Genny comes to visit and tells us about Starbucks collapsing
  • Skydiving

    I go skydiving in North Korea
  • Those darn cats

    Hadleigh's cats eat me