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My Life Jason Cardone 5/16

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    I was born on February 16, 2003, at Phelps Hospital. I have heard many stories about how I was born because there was one of the worst blizzards of the year that day. My father had left the hospital and me and my mother were snowed in for 3 days. During this time my mother and I created an unbreakable bond.
  • Tee-Ball

    The first time I ever played baseball I was a shy 5-year-old. I used to cry to my parents that I didn't want to go, but this made me stronger because I was able to overcome them. Once I was on the team I quickly made friends and developed a love for baseball.
  • My First Yankee Game

    My First Yankee Game
    The first time I ever went to a Yankee game may have been the most exciting part of my life up until that point. It was amazing to be able to go to the games for me. My dad had season tickets, so every time there was a home game on the weekend we would go. That was some of the best fun I have ever had being able to go to all the Yankee games with my dad. We are both huge Yankee fans. Of course, seeing how much my dad loved the Yankees made me fall in love with them.
  • Key West

    Key West
    The first time I had ever been on a plane was when my parents and I went to Key West. We had such a great time. We had days filled with the beach, going out to eat, and hanging out at the pool.
  • Divorce

    My parents got divorced when I was 8 years old. I was devastated when I first heard the news because whoever thinks that's gonna happen to their parents. My dad got a house within a couple of minutes from my mom which was nice so I could go back and forth a couple of times a week. When my parents separated it was very hard at first but over time it got better.
  • Brewster All-Stars

    Brewster All-Stars
    I went to the tryout for the all-star team for the first time because I was 8. I made the team. It turned out I was the only 8-year old taken on the team. Everyone on the team was 1 and 2 years older than me. After the first practice, I went home and cried because of how intimidated I was by the bigger and older kids. I was not one of the best players on this team or even good enough to start but I worked harder than anyone and I was determined to be as good as the other kids on the team.
  • Football

    I started playing football in the 5th grade. Most of my friends had started playing in 3rd grade so I was late. I had never really had any interest. Once I saw that I was the only one not playing and all of the fun my friends were having I wanted to join. It started out really hard and my body had to get used to everything that comes with playing football. It was an amazing first year for me and I have never looked back.
  • JV football and Basball

    JV football and Basball
    My first year of playing JV sports was amazing. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had. During my freshman year on football, we went undefeated. This was incredible. Also, on baseball, I had one of my best seasons yet. I really enjoyed being on these teams not as much just for the sport but because of how well each team worked together.
  • My First Day of Highschool

    My First Day of Highschool
    My first day of high school seems like a blur. I remember all of the feelings I had leading up to that day. I was filled with excitement and nerves. I had no idea what to think. All I could think about was the seniors. My first year of highschool was overall a successful year.
  • Varsity Football

    Varsity Football
    Going into my sophomore I was put onto the Varsity Football team. This was one of my proudest moments. Being promoted up to varsity meant so much to me. I remember how excited I was. I was also having feelings of anxiety. This was another team where I was not friends with a lot of the kids because they were older. This was a great learning experience for me going onto my future Varsity years.
  • Varsity Baseball

    Varsity Baseball
    I also made the varsity baseball team as a sophomore. More so than football this was a bigger step for me. Joining baseball as a sophomore can be hard because the pitchers were throwing a lot harder than I was used to. Playing on varsity football I was already very good friends with a lot of the baseball players which made that aspect of it easier. The game is a lot different than it was on JV and I had my struggles. By the end of the season, I felt I grew tremendously as a player.
  • Ski Haus

    Ski Haus
    My first job was a Ski Haus. Working at Ski Haus I find is great for me. I really enjoy going in every day and being able to learn new knowledge and work with customers. I always feel up to the task when my boss asks me to do something. Working has taught me the value of money which is one of the most important things in the world. I have a lot of fun and really enjoy everyone I work with.
  • NHS

    When I was accepted into NHS I was so happy. My parents have always valued academics over anything. For me, this was my greatest high school achievement. It was awesome to see my parents so proud of my achievement.