My life

  • Born

    I was born at a hospital in Thunder Bay.
  • First time walking.

    First time walking.
    I learned to walk sometime in April.
  • Dirt Bike

    Dirt Bike
    A long time ago my dad got me a dirtbike but forgot to get me a helmet and he forgot to teach me how to ride it so you can guess what happened next.
  • Hospital

    This was the first time i went to the hospital because i tripped over the vacum cleaner and made i huge gash in my head because i hit the corner of the wall.
  • Death.

    This is the month that both my grandma's croaked.
  • U.S.A.

    This was the first day i have ever been out of the country.
  • Sports.

    This is when i decided that i wasnt going to play hockey or any onther sports after this. My physical health went downhill after that.
  • School

    I went from grafe 6 to grade 7 that year.
  • High school

    High school
    I started high school and the next chapter of my life.
  • Timeline

    Imade this timeline strugguling to come up with 10 events.