I was born
My parents were very happy such as my grandma, and cousins.
My grandma was the first person that hold me, and she gived me a blanket, that I still have -
My first toy
I was asleep whit my mom and then my dad came and gave me a tigger from winie the pooh, I liked a lot and I playa lot whit it whit my parents. -
I lived my first cristhmas
All of my family was in my house, I didn´t really know what was going on, but I was playing whit my cousins so I was very happy, I sleep late that night and I enjoy it alot, and next morning I had presents under my cristhmas three -
My first new year celebration
All of my family was in my grandma´s house, we eat turkey and the aduts drink wine, I played whit my cousins and all the adults yelled 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR -
my first san valentines day
My parents dressed me of red, I did´t know why, and they take me to my grandma´s house and we celebrate, we huged each other, and then my cousins came and we play a lot. -
My first birthday
I didnt know what was going on, but I was happy, all my family was there, also other couisins I didn´t know yet and we all play a lot, then at night me and my parents opened my presents -
My first mothers day celebration
I didnñt know what it was about, but my mom explained me, I dont really remember what we did, but I think we went to a Restaurant or something like that -
I talk for firts time
My mom was washing dishes and I was eating my meal, and she was talking whit me and then I said mom. She was so happy than she even cry -
I did my first steps
My mom was washing the clothes, and I wanted to see her, so I just stand up and went where she was, she told me that I was very brave, and she hugged me -
I had my first dog
The dog of my couisins had puppies, and they gived me one named Argos, he was a boxer, and I had him like for 2 years.