My Personal Identify Timeline

  • I Was Born

    I Was Born
    I was born a healthy baby girl on October 3,2002. It was a thursday morning and my mother had been in labor for 36 hours. She was overjoyed when I finally came out and she got to hold her baby girl. She named me Gabriella after the angel Gabriel.
  • I am Caring

    I am Caring
    I have always been caring even when I was young. My mom told me that all i wanted was hugs and kisses. I was very affectionate towards everyone. I could sense when people are sad.
  • I am Clumbsy

    I inherited my clumsiness from my family. My mom first discovered that she had to be careful with me when I cracked my head open at my dad's house by falling and hitting the fridge. She always laughed at me , but helped me up.
  • My Guardian angel

    My Guardian angel
    When I was 2 years old my step dad mike came into my life and he was the best dad I could of ever asked for. He met my mom at two-way where she worked as a waitress and he asked for her id cause he didn't believe she was so young. He came to our house with pez and to go to the park. She said thanks but she likes hot chips. It was a very funny day.
  • I broke my chin

    I broke my chin
    I was almost 4 when we decided to go to key line cove for the weekend. It was very fun until I was at the water playground and the water fell on me. I ended up slipping and breaking my chin. I had butterfly stitches.
  • I am Socialable

    I am Socialable
    Ever since I could talk I was very talkative. I spoke my opinion about everything and it was easy for me to make friends. My mom always joked that she should of named me shut up instead of Gabby.
  • The magical day

    The magical day
    I was 6 when I was the flower girl for my mom's wedding. It was held in Las Vegas in a chapel. It was totally out of the blue because my mom wasn't even engaged to my step dad at the time. It was very beautiful though and I was overjoyed. Mike was the best dad ever.
  • I am creative

    I am creative
    I was about 6 years old when I started to draw storybooks. It was always about a princess because I loved Disney movies. I once wrote a 500 page storybook. I also made a book fort my teacher which is still in her library.
  • I am emotional

    I am emotional
    I had always been very emotional. My mom said I got it from her so things that wouldn't normally hurt someone hurt me. All I could do was cry. It got really bad after Mike passed away, but I have come to embrace it.
  • 1st Day of school

    1st Day of school
    I was so nervous about going to school because I had only ever been to preschool and that was only a half day. I remember my mom brought me to school and I cried because I didn't want to go. I ended up liking school and it was a good time.
  • Hello Depression

    Hello Depression
    I remember this day all too well. This was the day that I learned that my step dad was dead. He had died from a massive heart attack while I was at the circus. I cried till I thought I had no more tears to shed. He was my dad and I loved him so much. I was only 6 and I had never been exposed to death. It had a bad effect on me and started my depression.
  • I'm a big sister

    I'm a big sister
    This was the day that my little sister was born. We always joked with my mom that she was a joke because she was born on April fools day. She was healthy and she was so adorable. I was so happy to be a big sister.
  • I am Intellegent.

    I am Intellegent.
    I always was very good with school. It was easy for me to understand the material. I got accepted to the gifted program in the 3rd grade, but I moved and came back so I could not be in that class. Luckily in 3rd grade my teacher let me do 6th grade work.
  • I am a writer

    I am a writer
    I always loved writing stories. It was my escape from the every day life and I could imagine vast worlds. I had an overactive imagination so writing stories came easy to me. When I was 12 I published my very first book online on a site called Wattpad.
  • I am kind hearted

    I am kind hearted
    I have always had a kind heart. I always treat others better than they treat me, but that's okay because that is who I am. I love being kind to others even though I feel I am too nice sometimes. I am especially kind hearted with others close to me.
  • I am a good listener

    I am a good listener
    I have always been a good listener because I know how it feels to not have people listen to you so it is always good to listen to others. Friends would always rant to me and I would be there for them.
  • Meeting you

    Meeting you
    I met the current love of my life in the start of my freshman year. At the time I was with someone who was emotionally abusive, but Joey helped me eventually get out of that relationship and make me happy.
  • Starting high school

    Starting high school
    I was 14 when I started high school at Taft and Taft was my first choice because I fell in love with the school. I got in through ROTC, but I absolutely love the program.
  • I am open minded

    I am a very easy going person and I am open to new ideas that differ from my own. I believe that it is good to have other perspective to things. If my friend told me something I did not agree with, but explained why I would still support them.
  • I can't believe you're gone..

    I can't believe you're gone..
    I was 16 when my grandpa passed away. My grandma had the doctors do a procedure which could of stopped his heart and it did. He was revived, but he was barely holding on. I had to say goodbye over the phone. They took him off of life support later that night and I felt the biggest hug even though I was all alone. My grandpa hugged me before he went.