My life

  • Birth Date

  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Play Age

  • Period: to

    Elementary School

  • Moved to Kansas City

    Moved to Kansas City
    Moving to a different place with a different culture changed my personality in a way that I became more like the people int this city. My personal preferances are similar to those in KC and not like where i use to live before.
  • Period: to


  • First Day Of High School

    First Day Of High School
    Now a high school student, responsibilities will increse rapidly from this point on. Changing my identity of being a free spirited kid to more uptight adult gradually.
  • Fisrt Job/ First Day

    Fisrt Job/ First Day
    WIth a job, my identity changed becuase I now have to be disiplined at work and resposible with the money, makingme mmore mature.
  • Graduation Day

    Graduation Day
    I will no longer be a high school student, people will expect more responsibilities from me. The wil influence me because will have to prepare to live on my own at collge.
  • College move-in day.

    College move-in day.
    I will have to be responsible and make all of my own decision. its will influence my identitty as I figure out how I am on my own(no parents and their rules)
  • Period: to

    Young Adulthood

  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    I will be a totally independent adult with a degree in career of choice. My identity will me mostly self centered, doing things that will benifit me because I wont have to care fro someone else yet,
  • Wedding day

    When I get marrried, i will have to stop being self centered becuase there will be someone alse, who my decisions will effect. I now will identify myself with him
  • First Child

    Life and the choices i make will now be for the baby, everything I do is depented on her, I will have to change my identity to accommmodate the new responsibility and new roles of being a parent.
  • Adopt a child.

    Adopt a child.
    I will be mature enough to take on the resposibility of taking care of a child who is not my own. Identity does change much other than adjusting it to add another responsibility. Role of being an adoptive parent will be taken.
  • Period: to


  • First child graduates and leave for college.

    With the first child graduating and leaving home, I will no longer be copmpletly responsible for her. My identity will adjust again to being more self center. Some decision will be made for me and not them anymore.
  • Fisrt granchild

    I will take on the role of a grandparent, which will make me responsible for the happiness of my grandchildren. Not much of an identity change, just tking on a new role.
  • Period: to
