My Birth
This is the day i was born in to this world in Canada, a great place.
Things weren't so amazing for first few days but things started getting better, soon i could walk and I started enjoying life -
Finished Kindergarten
In 2009 I had finished kindergarten and was so excited to go to grade 1 meet my new teacher and see my friends again after the summer break. My parents always had me studying at the time but i was way to excited to do anything -
Grade 5 Grad
This was the day i got the citizenship award with another one of my friends it was an amazing moment. -
The Arts and Technology Program
This was the day grade 6 started and I was in the ATP program a some of my old friends were in the program but most of the students were people I didn't know but after a few days i was getting along with pretty much everyone -
Peel Technological Skills Challenge Gold medal winners
This was the day of the PTSC competition. Me and my team were participating in the animation competition we doubted ourselves and kept saying getting gold is possible the moment 2 place was announced and it wasn't us we all said were definitely not getting gold but that moment they announced that we won so we ran on to stage and got our medal.