Parents got a divorce :( SONG: Divorce by Tammy Wynette
o Well I was barely in this world for six months before my parents got divorced. Yea. Not much else to say except that if they didn’t I would have been so different I couldn’t imagine myself right now… Well I chose this song simply because of the title and the fact that if it was tweaked a little this would have easily been what my mother was feeling when they divorced. -
Period: to
Moved and moved SONG:Moving by supergrass
o Well before I got to where I am today I have moved a total of nine times I think give or take 2 times. The biggest move of course was from Long island, New York to North Carolina. Without this one move I would not have done near as much as I have and I would definitely be someone completely different than who I am today. I’ve never heard this song but I’ve read the lyrics and is seems as though it would be a good song for this situation. -
Period: to
Did homeschool SONG:“a homeschool family” by Tim Hawkins
I was home-schooled for a total of 4 ½ years which is not too much and not too little. It enabled me to see another way of schooling and I was able to have a lot of extra time on my hands as well as getting a better education than the public schools could. I heard this song and had to add it into this because it was perfect. -
Dad died SONG:The day my father died by CJ smith
o Well you may not have known but my father died when I was like 10 or something which kinda sucks but it has helped me realize that life doesn’t go your way and that you should take opportunities when you can. -
Got into ECHS SONG: School by supertramp
I have had the opportunity to be in the ECHS program which has changed me for the better and will help me get a head start on my college degree as well as gaining necessary skills for life and college as I go on through life. Honestly I could not find a song for this and “school” was about the best one out there (that I could find) -
Graduate SONG: Graduation (friend forever) by vitamin c
o I just hope I make it to the point where I am still able to graduate high school because that will be the next big step for me in my life. Yea, if I can’t graduate I might as well kiss the rest of my future goodbye because you almost can’t survive without at the least a high school diploma. -
Go to college SONG: Don’t forget to remember me by Carrie Underwood
Well I know for a fact that I really want to go to college not only to get a higher level degree but to gain experiences that cannot exist in any other environment. The only problem I face is what degree I will be going to college for… So I don’t even know if I will even have the need to go to college. I will however at least try to get some sort of degree because it is easier to get one while you are young. -
Travel: SONG:(on the road again by Willie Nelson)
Ever since I have gone anywhere away from my home and I saw there was more world unlike that of which I have encountered I was curious and wanted to see more. I chose this song because it is all I could think of for “traveling”. I mean it is the first thing I think of and probably you too when you here that you are going on another road trip. Well besides that I have always had the want to travel but I never had the time nor the money and I probably won’t until I am finished with college. -
Go into the military SONG:(star spangled banner)
I have always wanted to go into the military but never really wanted to because I did not know that there were so many job opportunities. I always thought that the only point of military was to send a bunch of boys fresh out of high school to some foreign country to die holding a gun in their hand so I never wanted to join. However, in the past five to ten years of my life I have learned and realized that it is just another way to get a job and serve your country at the same time. -
See where life takes me… SONG:(I hope this day is good by Don Williams)
I Chose this song because I don’t know what will happen after this in my life, and I just hope it will turn out for the better. I honestly don’t know what will happen tomorrow let alone in 10 years so I think I’ll just try and get here and see what happens.