2015 12 22 001

My life 7°A Thamara G.

By Th1844
  • I was born :3 <3

    I was born :3 <3
    I was born the 22 of December 2004 at 7:30 in The hospital Santa Maria in Pachuca Hgo. Wen I was born my dad bring a lot of Coca Colas, chips ETC... My mom is Covadonga Menéndez Tellez & Jorge Ulises González Menéndez. They named me Thamara whith H because they do a poll saying to all the family if Tamara or Thamara and all say that whit H.
  • My first birday

    My first birday
    In my first birday I was with my mom and that in Pachuca Hgo. in a apartment of my dads and it was not a big party becouse in my birday the day was very cold and I was getting sick so my dads did not want to expose me so We stay in the house.
  • Veracruz <3

    Veracruz <3
    We move to Veracruz because me and my om and I didn´t like to be far of my dad so we moved whit him to his apatment. It was a big department had a pool, garden, and games. My school was biside my house a store was in the right of my house and the beach was in front.
  • School :l

    School :l
    I didn´t like my school becouse I wanted to go in car to school. A day in the school they say me that I was going to be in the flag. I was the one that has the flag of Mexico.
  • My first tood that came out!!!!!

    My first tood that came out!!!!!
    Wen I got my tood loose I was very scared becouse I nedever feel something like that so I go to say my mom of the tood so she say me that it was only my tood that will come out becauseanew one was coming.I wasonly 5 years old:( So then wen it came out I cry becouse it was the first one that came out:)
  • My first dog

    My first dog
    Wen I was almost 6 years I always want it a pupie,I always was saying to my dad if he can buy me a pupie and he always say dad NOOOO!!! but one day we were pasing to the pet store so I say if I can get one so I dont now if he was tired of me saying that all the time that I wan´t one for a reson he buy me a Golden Retriver dog but it was only 5 months old. We named Niky. She start to put bad and we send her to the veterinary. A few days leatter they say us that she has cancer and they sleep her.
  • My second year in American School

    My second year in American School
    It was my second year on this school because my first year was on kinder I was very nervous because I think it was my first time here so all one tought that it was my first school year here. Wen I enter all the persons were talking but I didn´t because I didn´t now no body. But then a girl named Analucia came at me and say me that if I want to eat whith her so then of days we was beang very good friends. Then we pas of year and she go with Bill and I went toother group and she go to Monterrey
  • My cousing was born :o

    My cousing was born :o
    Wen my cousing was born I was on cheerleaders practicing so my mom came and say me that we need to go so I didn´t now wath was happening so wen we get to the car I ask my dads wath was happening so they tell me that my cousing was born and we need to go to Mexico City so wen we was on Mexico it was to many trafic so we get to the hospital at 8.00 PM. but I only see he in FaceTime. but wen they got out of the hospital I soo him
  • first competition :3

    first competition :3
    Wen my first competition came we were very nervouse becouse was a new coach new steps that we didn´t now so we was at the 8:00 AM. We were in Mexico City. We were afraid that we forget the coreography so we practice until 9:00 AM wen we was going to enter we were very nervous. Wen we enter the Prof. Jackob was looking at us very carfuly so wen we enter we mis some of the steps but we win first place we was compiting with cedrus, williams and an other school.