My Life

  • Born

    I was a month early and I was 8lbs.
  • My first set of stitches

    My first set of stitches
    I was running on the floors as my aunt was chasing me and I smashed my head across the table trying to get a cookie from the coockie jar. It was a pressure break which means it didnt start bleeding until i started crying,
  • Always being on the football feild with my dad

    Always being on the football feild with my dad
    Being on the football feild with my dad from a very young age reallly shaped my love for sports. I used to help coach and to this day i still help my father coach and have been by his side for many provincial and city titles. It helped me veiw life with sports and how a team is like a family. This also goes for my mom as I was with her as she coached basketball for the first nine years of my life.
  • Starting School

    Starting School
    Kindergarten! Where my learnign began and my educational career stared!
  • First International Judo Competition

    First International Judo Competition
    This was a competition in Kelowna that made me think from a very young age that i wasnted to compte at high levels of judo. This competition is where the drive and passion truly started for me and my competitive career. This has led me to 8 International competitions in which I have recieved 4 golds as well as other places.
  • My auntie's battle with cancer

    My auntie's battle with cancer
    In 2007 my aunt was diagnosed with caner. She taught me that in life, you always have to fight.The moment she was diagnosed she could have given up, but she didn't. She taught me to fight have hope. She is one of the strongest women and I know and even since I was young she has been an inspiration to me which has helped me to become who I am.
  • Death of a close friend

    Death of a close friend
    In August of 2008 I lost someone my age named Meara Hunt in a car accident near St. Bruiex. This helped me to be who i am because it made me realize how quickly someone can be gone. this is one if the main reasons I say iI love you, or give someone a hug before I leave anywhere. It made me realize that sometimes the best and most innocent can die young and that you need to be nce to everyone because one day you can wake up and they may not be there anymore..
  • My parents divorce

    My parents divorce
    Havign dicorced parents changes your life and your veiw on the world because you have two homes, two wardrobes, and everything else that comes with that.
  • First concert

    First concert
    This shows my apprecation for music and everything it gives us. My first concert was Sean Kingston but very shortly after I went to ACDC! Music is a big part of my life, esspecially with my dad being a dj.
  • Grade nine girls camp

    Grade nine girls camp
    The camp brought me closer with the friends I already had and made me new friends. This camp changed the on-going fued between me and Darby and we stiopped ahting each ither. And now, standing here today, she is one of my very best friends. Thsi taught me to never judge a book by its cover and always give secong chances to those that der=serve them