I'm Born!
Loma Linda, CA -
Zachary is Born!
My little brother, Zachary, is born in Redlands, CA. -
Move to Redding, CA -
Started Ballet
Graduate from Middle School
I Meet Scott
Scott and I met at The Riverfront Playhouse while performing in Life of the Party. -
Traveled to Paris
Senior Prom
Senior prom with Scott! -
Start Dating Scott
Move to Arizona
Graduate from High School
KaBoom Volleyball Captain
Andrew Graduates
My older brother, Andrew, graduates from The University of Arizona. -
Get Engaged!
I Graduate
I graduate from The University of Arizona -
Move to Michigan
Move to Mt. Pleasant, MI to get my Au.D. at CMU. -
Got Indy
Leave CMU
Get Married!
Bali, Indonesia -
Traveled to Indonesia
Traveled to Vietnam