
My Journey as an Irish Immigrant

By MyerPSK
  • Birth

    I was born Feargus Acres on April 15th, 1870 into a hard working family, I was the only child for many years, until my younger sister was born. 2 years after, my father died, leaving me as the man of the house. My mother worked hard to better life for my sister & me, but we could never quite get ahead. On my 18th birthday I approached my mother & told her it was time for me to try my life in America. It may be dangerous but maybe I could send back money so we could live a good life.
  • Historical Event #1

    Historical Event #1
    Only 2 days past since I decided to leave for America. Before we left for the dock, I packed my belongings & readied myself for this adventure. Now, my bag in hand, the ferry approaches us as we stand on the wood dock. My sister, not understanding hugged my legs and waved. But my mother grabs my shoulders and hugs me close. She tells me "Your father would be proud." I pull back from her embrace, hearing the boat stop, & smile. My mother steps back waving as I board the ferry to my future.
  • Historical Event #2

    Historical Event #2
    As I got on the boat, settling in, I watched nervously as I realize this may be the last time I see my home I call Ireland. I'm awoken with abrupt shouts. It's been 12 days and I' not sure I can last much longer. I walk where everyone is crowding, then I see it. It is a beautiful copper, if only I could see it better. I maneuver around people, seeing women & men smile at this symbol of liberty, peace freedom. I smile, a real genuine smile, forgetting the nervousness this strange place gives me.
  • Historical Event #3

    Historical Event #3
    I walked with stiff legs to the interrogation room, where I answered questions about my old life. I was sent to the line to have my eyes checked. I walked towards the line of immigrants when I saw man get checked. He was told the news & started to sob. 2 guards pulled him away back to the boat & the next person was checked. I saw an older Chinese man nod at me. I nodded back & walked to the gloveless man. My eyes were flipped upward & I got pushed into the accepted line, & so my journey began.
  • Historical Event #4

    Historical Event #4
    I have been in the United States for around 2 years and it definitely wasn't the easiest of times. I started off living in the streets, begging for work & money. A man approached me about 2 months in & told me about the jobs available to build skyscrapers. He gave me some money and told me directions. Ever since then I have been working to build tall steel buildings. It's hard but the money's worth it.
  • Historical event #5

    Historical event #5
    I anxiously wait as I see the next batch of women let out of the interrogation chambers. I stand on my toes trying to find my mother & sister. I see a flash of my mother’s brown hair in a sea of red and run towards it. Our green eyes meet and we embrace. My sister, holding my mother’s hand, comes in between us. I pick her up and spin her around, her arms wrapped around my neck. My family was once again reunited.