I was put into Yeshiva in Bloomfield CT and Miss June was my teacher. I loved going there - years later I would meet up with Miss June again. -
First Tzadakah trip with my mother
My mother was active in our Temple and she took me with her when she went fundraising but this is the first time I remember and she was raising money for Israel. At this time I really did not understand what that meant but that it was very important to Jewish people. -
Michael's Bar Mitzvah
My brothers Bar Mitzvah was a huge event in our family. Massive - people came from all over and my brother did the entire Saturday service and all the Torah readings. I was very proud of him and how everyone was so impressed with what he accomplished. -
Moving to Israel
Moving to Israel was most impactful on who I am as a Jewish person. I did not really know what Israel was until I got there. We landed in August it was so hot. -
My Bat Mitzvah
Not as big - no aliyah to the Torah because we were orthodox. However I understood by then that regardless of what "kind" of Jew I was going to be - I would always be Jewish. -
Deciding leave the orthodox sect
After being raised orthodox and living in Israel I realized I did not want to partake in the orthodox culture and left which at that point I left the religious part of Judaism for a while but not the traditional part. -
Swearing into the IDF
They had a ceremony that I will never forget it was just us in basic training and it was at an ungodly hour we all dressed in our best and stood in misdar. They explained to us that we were Jewish people defending Jewish people and one by one we swore our allegiance to the IDF holding a gun in one hand and a tanach right under in the other hand. I can't explain the overpowering emotional feeling that was, however I will never ever forget it and I was never more proud to be Jewish. -
My daughters Bat Mitzvah
Watching my daughters Bat Mitzvah after years of teaching her in religious school was a defining moment in her Judaism and mine. -
Becoming a full time Jewish educator and going back to school
When I decided to teach full time and pursue my MJed I realized my dream of teaching Jewish children about what I love most and that is Israel and Judaism and all the positivity our religion holds. -
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educator impact - cont.
I feel that while the education is important - actually being and learning in real time is priceless. I feel I was passionate about teaching before - I now know this is definitely where I am supposed to be. -
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Educator impact
I was fortunate this year to start working at the Schechter in Boston. Even more so I am working with a veteran teacher who has allowed me to learn so much. It is very educational to be able to take a moment and observe our surroundings. I have been able to learn classroom techniques that some I feel are a better option than some I have used. The other thing is I am able to sit and discuss and collaborate on ideas for students regardless of where I teach.