My Goals

  • Get a job

    Get a job
    I want to begin working and making my own money
  • Get my liscence

    Get my liscence
    I want to get my license so I can drive
  • Do well academically

    Do well academically
    I want to make good grades all of this year and next year
  • Go to college

    Go to college
    I want to attend college and get my degree
  • Do well academically in college

    Do well academically in college
    I want to make good grades in college
  • Have a family

    Have a family
    I want to have my first child when I'm in my mid twenties. I want to get married before then, and have a total of 3 children.
  • Own a house & and a car

    Own a house & and a car
    I want to own my own house and car by the time I am 26