My Education Timeline

  • Nursery at Planeta Mágico

    Nursery at Planeta Mágico
    In 2011, I went to the nursery at Planeta Mágico school. I was a baby with one year, my teachers were Pâmela and Samanta, they always say that when I was a baby I always was craying.
  • Kindergarden at Planeta Mágico

    Kindergarden at Planeta Mágico
    From 2012 ( kindergarden 1) until 2015 ( kindergarden 5) I studied at the Planeta Mágico school. There I had a lot of fun with my friends Nicholas, Eric and Bernardo.
  • "Graduation" of the end of kindergarden

    "Graduation" of the end of kindergarden
    This little graduation happened in the end of my kindergarden. At this day after the graduation all the families of the students went to Galeto d'Itália restaurant to celebrate this conquest.
  • First grade at Santa Catarina

    First grade at Santa Catarina
    I started my first grade at Santa Catarina, but I didin't liked there because I was so little in a big school. Some of my friends of Planeta Mágico studied there with me.
  • Cotinuing the first grade at Oswaldo Cruz

    Cotinuing the first grade at Oswaldo Cruz
    In the same year that I went out of Santa, I went to Oswaldo Cruz to continue the first grade. I remember that in my first day there, my friends of Planeta Mágico were very happy that I would study with them.
  • My first final media 10!

    My first final media 10!
    In fourth grade I toke my first final media of the three trimesters 10! I was very happy with my result. My teachers in fourth grade were Roselâine and Letícia, they were very nice.
  • Cambridge exam

    Cambridge exam
    In the end of 2019, I did my cambridge exam and I toke the maximal score, it was a realy nice experience, and I know that this certificate I will use for all my life.
  • Start of online classes

    Start of online classes
    In 2020, came Covid-19, so all the schools started on-line classes, it was a little bit annoying but was necessary. For me online classes can't replace face-to-face classes.
  • Celebration day at Oswaldo Cruz

    Celebration day at Oswaldo Cruz
    To complete our big history with Oswaldo Cruz, we did a presentation there, I was playing the piano. Later we went to Galeto D'Itália to celebrate.
  • Fundação Evangélica

    Fundação Evangélica
    Finally, this year am studying at Fundação Evangélica, here I am very happy, learning lots of things and making new friends.