My education goals.

  • Period: to

    my educational goals

  • figure out what job i lke

    i will go on sites and ask people to find a job i like.
  • plan my highschool classes for that job

    i will plan my highschool classes so people hiring see i have expereince in the field.
  • start taking act prep classes

    i will take act prep classes so i can get a good score
  • take the act test

    if i get a good score many colleges will see that.
  • Graduate highschool

    i will need a highschool diploma to go to almost any college
  • apply for colleges

    i will especially apply for colleges with the classes i want
  • go to college

    i will get the degree my field requires
  • finish college

    i will get the degree and the education i want
  • see if there is any special training i need

    i would need to be educated about things they dont teach in college