My curriculum timeline

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    My curriculum timeline

  • I want to go for a full day

    My older brother was in first grade and attended school all day long. I would ask my mom when I could go to school all day instead of just half a day. This was the first memory I have of wanting to attend school and learn.
  • Hard work pays off....Scholar Academic ideology

    When I was in 2nd grade and my brother in 3rd grade I saw him struggling with his speech development and reading. He would spend countless hours at night at the kitchen table crying trying to read out loud to my mom. Also, I would see him in the hallway being pulled out for speech class and seeing how that made him feel. After the intensive year his speech improved and he was on track which my parents always felt was critical.
  • I'm moving to another country....whats it like there?

    In 3rd grade I moved to Germany. I didn't even know where the country was located in comparison to the U.S. and was scared about what it would be like. However I was able to attend so many historical places that I think this began my interest in culture, history and the world. I went to numerous castles, historical buildings, a concentration camp and even Hitler's Eagles Nest.
  • 1987 continued

    This connects to the Scholar Academic Ideology where the goal is always to create learn like "university academia" does. This inspired me that even if we face difficulties we can persevere.
  • Learning another language and another culture

    I began taking German classes as well as having pen pals from the neighboring German community. This allowed me to learn more and understand cultures around me.
  • Spelling Bee is for me....

    in the 5th grade I was chosen to represent my class in the Spelling Bee. I absolutely loved it and won 2nd place. This was the first time academically I was able to get in front of my peers as I have always like to just blend in and not stand out.
  • An attempt at integration

    When I moved to Florida for 7th grade, Tampa began an integration program from suburbs to the city and vice versa. The attempt was to allow students to see a different perspective. Although I would argue it did little to nothing to help with integrating that part of Florida, it did bring attention to the issue of race and socioeconomics that I had never even considered. This was also the first time I did not attend a DODD school with other military kids which brought a new perspective.
  • Why am I always getting in trouble?

    I can remember consistently getting my progress reports and the sentence, "Talks to much in class" was always indicated. After discussing with my mom yesterday she reminded me that I was constantly a talker and loved the social aspect of school. Although my grades were good, my teachers always struggled with how to contain my outgoing personality and how to teach me behavioral fundamentals which reminds me of the theory of social efficiency.
  • And you didn't stop the fight?

    At the end of my sophomore year on the last day of school some girls threatened to jump my friends and I. Although this was not curricular in nature, I vividly remember being in my Business teachers class and asking her for assistance to exit the building. I explained the situation and how they were outside and she said she didn't care and we had to leave immediately. This lack of caring and emotion has stuck with me and truly inspired me to be a better role model and ally for my students.
  • The trip that changed my life....Social Reconstruction Ideology

    When I first moved to Washington State at the start of high school I went to Mexico with my youth group to help those less fortunate. This experience was eye opening, because unlike when I lived in Germany this allowed me to see extreme poverty and how that affects children. I witnessed a lack of family, poor living conditions and a lack of adequate food and water. This showed me a perspective I had never seen thought strongly about. I think this was the first time I thought of teaching.
  • Mexico trip contiuned

    This links to the Social Reconstruction Ideology where the purpose of education is to see and understand society and the problems we face and seek to bring about change to these issues.
  • Teachers assistant

    From what I can remember, I have always loved Math. During my Senior year my Math teacher noticed I was always working ahead and finishing early. He asked me to assist him during instruction with tutoring and sample problems. He even let me teach a lesson. I remember feeling so great that I could explain and help my peers. I still didn't strongly consider a job in teaching when going to college at this point, but I think the seed was planted with the confidence my teacher showed me.