My Cultural Roots

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    This day is important because it was the beginning of my life. This photo connects with me, because this is how it all got started. My life began here and everything that is apart of me started on this day. Having a child is a beautiful thing and mom my was just continuing with the traditions of raising a family. I was born into a family with two loving parents and a brother. We lived in a single home. My father worked hard while my mom raised us. That was the custom for our culture.
  • The Beginning of My Education

    The Beginning of My Education
    This is a picture of me starting the beginning of my education. This moment is very important to me, because my education led me to where I am today. My life continues to connect to this moment due to my parents always telling how important it was for me to go to school. They always shared that they did not have the opportunity to go to school, because they were very poor and needed to help their family work.
  • Christianity

    I do not remember the exact date of when this moment got started, but I was brought up going to church every Wednesday and Sunday. I remember attending bible classes and really enjoying them so much. Going to church is very important to me, because I was raised with good godly morals and beliefs. I think about this moment often, because if it wasn't for my family raising me to believe in God and going to church perhaps we would not be the family we are today.
  • 80's

    Since I was raised in the 80's a very popular era that everyone still seems to go back in, I really became part of the music, attire and hair styles. This moment is very important to me, because it was a time when just about everything was clean fun. I introduced my kids to the 80's music and they absolutely love it. My parents never had to worry about the TV shows showing something inappropriate. I constantly think about these moments when I come across inappropriate music or shows.
  • First Relationship

    First Relationship
    I had my first relationship when I became a freshman in high school. This moment is important to me, because I was the one person not in a relationship while everyone else was. It was a time when everyone had a valentine sweetheart, a person to go to dances with and go out with on the weekends. This time connects with me, because it made me understand that relationships are important and part of who were are as females and males.
  • Graduation

    This day meant the world to both me and my parents. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school. It was not the norm for my family that every one had the opportunity to graduate. During the time my mom was growing up there were few people that actually got the chance to even go to school. I knew this day would open doors for me beyond my dreams. This has influenced me to continue my education and instill in my children the importance of education.
  • Marriage

    This day was so important to me, because marriage and getting married in a white dress is part of our culture. Plus, I was marrying my high school sweetheart. As I was growing up my mom would tell me "when you get married," and just advice me on being a good wife. I thank my mom for how she raised me because till this day I remember advice that my mom would give me on handling different situations. This influenced me to do the same with my daughter.
  • First Child

    First Child
    Growing up I knew that after marriage, couples would start a family. Well it wasn't long before I realized we were expecting our first child. When my family found out they immediately started talking about planning for a baby shower. As part of our culture it is a normal event that occurs. Along the pregnancy it is also normal that you start preparing with all the essentials. Having a child connected with my influence, because I knew that having a family is what everyone would do.
  • Baptismal

    Since we were brought up with being baptized it was important to me that my kids would be baptized as well. Being baptized was part of our culture. I was told that we must get baptized to accept Jesus into our lives. I witnessed several baptisms growing up so I knew I had to do the same. It is also part of our culture that we the child has a godmother and godfather. We did the celebration of eating and having pastries as well with family.
  • Family Traditions

    Family Traditions
    One of our most important traditions that we do as a family is get together and make tamales. Tamales are a big part of our culture and a type of food eaten often. We traditionally get together a couple of days before Christmas to make several dozens and distribute to family. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation. It has influenced us in many ways by bringing us closer together. Every year we look forward to this day. It is so much fun for everyone.