Last year!!
I love my grandma!!!This is my last year at Southeast Raleigh Highschool. I'm really excited about graduating. My cousin Jojo is like my brother. He has already got accepted into NC A&T State University. And I can't wait to get there so I can follow him everywhere. I'm so thankful for such wonderful friends and family. Without my grandma I probably wouldn't even make it this far. -
Welcome to Aggie Land- Haley Hall
Aggie Pride!!I finally made it to college. I'm so excited about this year. My best friend is my roomate and we have akk the same classes together. I've finally got adjusted to the campus, I must say it is alot of walking. But at least the boys are cute!! -
My First College Crush LOL
Why do fools fall in love?Oh my Lord. I was in love with this boy. His name was Christopher Shaw. This was my first crush and my first heartbreak. We were together for mainly for the first half of the school year. Now he is currently in gradschool in Virginia. -
First GHOE
GHOE!!!My first homecoming was everything I could have imagined. I think I had actually studied the hardest I had ever studied because of the massive partying that I was going to partake off during Homecoming. It was food and fun. So much to do. I knew it was going to be alot of people for the game but evidently I had no idea. -
Getting Involved on Campus
Community Service..I was learning the true meaning of community service through my African American Experience class. We were going door to door in the Village asking for students to donate school supplies and clothing for children that were less fortunate. That was a really fun and heart warming experience that I will never forget. -
Vote for Obama!!!!
Time to Vote!This is my first time registering to vote and I'm excited about the whole process. I'm voting for Obama of course. I went with my best friend and we are outside taking pitures in front of the A&T Four statue. It feels good to vote. -
Resident Assistant
Being Resident Assistant was a great Experience! This is my first year being Resident Assistant. Being Resident Assistant is alot of work I must say.My residents seem really nice and outgoing. I can honestly say that the pay is really good and my schedule is amazing!!!!! -
Alpha Kappa Alpha Lady
Welcome to Greek Life!!!I got my pearls. This has been such wonderful experience for me. At this every moment I can say I'am revived and glowing from the inside out. I love my sorority and everything it stands for. Alot of people know AKA;s from an external perspective. But that is only the half. -
21st Birthday
I had so much fun!!It's my 21st Birthday and I plan to party!! My linesisters all came out to my dinner at Hooters!! It was real run and then we came back to my apartment and we partied some more. But overall my 21st went down hill when I went to Charlotte. Alot of my friends that said they were going to come didn't. I'm blessed. Just happy to have made it this far! -
Hanging with my BIGS
Night out with the sorors!!!Me and my linesister went out on the town with a few of my big sisters. We had an amazing night. This night was special to me because I bonded with them and got advise about alot about life just in general. -
This Far by Faith!!!So I finally made it to my senior year. I know this year will have it's ups and downs. I know I'm going to need all the prayer that I can get. But I must say life is beautiful and everything in it . Now I'm currently applying to law school and I hope that things work out for the best.