
MNelson1 Childhood Timeline

  • Prenatal influences

    Prenatal influences
    1. Mother kept a well-balanced eating habit during this time.
    2. She could have been dealing with stress because of her young age, and unhealthy relationship with my father.
  • Birth to age 2 events

    Birth to age 2 events
    1. The day I was born, I was a preemie and also had jaundice. I was kept in the hospital for about three days (according to my father).
    2. Because of alcohol and drug abuse from both parents, my grandmother (dad's side) took me in and claimed to be my legal guardian.
  • Age 2-5 years old

    1. Grandma began to use Navajo language with me around the age of 2.
    2. At age 4, I was being tested to move on to kindergarten but was too shy to answer or perform to any of the questions and activities. Therefore, I was to repeat another year in preschool.
    3. At age 5, I fell off the monkey bars and dislocated my right wrist.
  • Age 5-12 years old

    1. At age 9, I learned how to crochet.
    2. At age 10, I started taking piano lessons.
    3. At age 12, I entered into a spelling bee and placed first at my middle school.
  • Age 12-18 years old

    Age 12-18 years old
    1. I finished my middle school years of school, and was being promoted to high school at age 14
    2. Had my first "boyfriend" at age 15.
    3. Also around this time, I was asked to be apart of the Honors Society program. So I joined.
    4. During my Sophomore year, at age 16, the two girls who I considered "best friends" were no longer apart of my life
    5. Found a new crowd of friends my junior year.
    6. Graduated high school at age 18.